Upset with Online Pearl Vendor


May 31, 2008
I've not posted for a while because I've been sorting out a problem. I was so very enthused about my new found love for pearls and having lunged into an online purchase from a well known American Pearl company I have come away feeling so upset and angry and discouraged.

I'm not about to name and shame. I like to think I'm a glass half full sort of person so the best thing to come out of this ordeal is that I found out how great pearlparadise are to deal with. I have used them on two previous occassions and dared to venture to another online vendor because I liked what they had in stock which turned out to be a big mistake.

I contacted the lovely Kirsten at pearlparadise who so kindly helped me as she has done before. Kirsten if you read the boards, thank you so much for great customer service and to Jeremy S (or John as I like to call him :p - SJP thread) for conducting his business with integrity.

I know this post might seem a bit confusing but I guess the moral of the story is stick to what you know - reputable online vendors. I will not be venturing outside pearlparadise for any of my future pearl purchases.:)

Do tell. If it will help other buyers decide where to spend (or not to spend) their hard earned dollars.