The Great Pearl Heist (of 1913)

Pearl Dreams

Pearl Enthusiast
Sep 24, 2007
I've just finished reading The Great Pearl Heist: London's Greatest Thief and Scotland Yard's Hunt for the World's Most Valuable Necklace, ? 2012 by Molly Caldwell Crosby.

The natural, pink pearl necklace that was stolen in 1913 was considered to be worth twice as much as the Hope diamond.
The story of its theft and the subsequent race to recover it is fascinating (provided you enjoy reading about true crime.)
Yes! It took so very long for them to assemble enough matched pearls to make that necklace. All that changed with culturing.
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Sounds interesting, But sounds more like a week's read at most. Maybe a couple of nights. Once I start reading something I really enjoy I can't stop. I read all my books via ebooks these days. Much easier for my old eyes.

I will have to buy it from Amazon but not until I can drop everything else for a couple of days. I am manic when I am reading and too busy to do so at the moment. Maybe a Xmas present to myself.

Thanks Pearl Dreams.

Dawn - Bodecia
eBay Seller ID dawncee333 Natural pearl collector & seller. And all round pearl lover.
I finished it in just over a day! Couldn't put it down.

This was a library copy so if your local libraries don't have it and you're in the USA, you can get it through Inter-Library Loan.