Thank you pearl-guide people!


Natural Pearl
Jun 12, 2008
Aloha, I am and have been in a different paradise, lakeside in Northern Michigan. I have had fun educating my regular clients on the beauty of pearls and the info I have learned from this forum. The Tahitians I brought have been a success, but the keishi freshwaters flew away, people loved them. While I have been on vacation I have FINALLY gotten it together and launched a web site. I have to say I gained the additional confidence and motivation from reading the various posts, looking at members web sites, and just feeling like there is a community of support for the obsession that seems to have possessed me. So this is my chance to say Mahalo, Thank you to everyone, and you may not know it or me, but you are my new unseen heroes and mentors, and I want to say I hope everyone is having a little bit of the fun that I am having right now. :eek::):D:cool:
A hui hou (see you later!)

That's great! I see you have a presence on Etsy also! Beautiful jewelry!
Pattye, I love your Etsy site. My favorite is the sunstones. I've never worked with those before but love the look. I also think your pictures are great. I have to do better with mine, especially the paper towel ones:eek:. I'm struggling with colors and close-ups.
Hi Sheryl - love your pieces, and particularly their names! Nice site, too! Congratulations.

Pattye - I love your photos on your Etsy site - beautifully done and I wish you well with it - still looking forward to seeing what you come up with for Terry.
Hi Sheryl -
Beautiful jewelery and your site looks great! Congrats on getting youself set up in business. :)
Hi Sheryl,
Lovely website, and some beautiful jewellery.
And yes, the names you have given your pieces are fabulous !


Hi Sheryl,

Great site! I like seeing a name for each listed item. But the name of your website is even nicer. I haven't seen moonlight on Mauna Kea, but there were plenty of stars when we were there.
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