Stringing heavy pearls with four threads

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Hi everyone,

I would like to know how one strings a necklace with four threads. I think that perhaps Knotty Panda and Caitlin are the experts on this.

Thanks for good advice;)
Hello Inge,
Can you simply double the thread and pass the two ends through the eye of the needle, to give four threads?
The only problem that I see with this would be using a gimp large enough to accomodate four strands instead of two.
She could skip the gimp and use a double-looped clamshell bead tip.
So, using the french wire method, you would then be knotting 8 threads in the finishing and beginning? I agree...clamshell for the 4 thread.

Another question is...why is it necessary to use 4 threads ever?
Eight threads - silversea, thanks, I forgot about doubling up at the ends.
I think she may be dealing with some large drill holes. Some of that Griffin beading cord is big enough to string train cars together. Maybe that would work.
When you use four threads, they have to total the diameter of two threads. The best method is to string the beads on a double thread and use the second double thread to pass through the beads one at a time and knot them. larkshead or overhand would both work.

The composition of the four threads can be the non-stretch threads as the stringing medium then the second 2 threads can be silk or Griffin beading thread-both come in many colors the right color or any other beading thread. Actually. Make the cord 8 times the length of the item, plus 10 inches. string it through once, put on the clasp and knot back all the way to the beginning and put on that clasp. ech clasp should only have two strings. There are a couple more details to tying the second end clasp, if you are interested.

I hate to ream, so when I get a thread that is too large to go through my end pearls, (You know I love that big bead, little bead thing -and often the little bead, if at the end, will not take the double thread twice. So I like to use the big bead at the end and even add an extra end bead which can be silver (or whatever).

If I can't find a matching bead smaller than the big bead, but bigger than the smallest bead, sometimes I will have to pass the threads through the clasp with the gimp on it , pull it tight and knot it immediately. Then I put a crimp bead on the knot for extra strength and then a crimp bead cover, which looks like a silver bead when put on and closed properly. I don't use clamshells because I do not like the look or the strength (none).

I will try to get some photos of examples today. I personally prefer to have two knots. When there is just one knot between the first and second bead, that knot could come undone and the item falls to the floor. So I like to pass it through the second bead and knot it between it and the third bead. No one has broken a strand done like that.
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So, using the french wire method, you would then be knotting 8 threads in the finishing and beginning? I agree...clamshell for the 4 thread.

Another question is...why is it necessary to use 4 threads ever?

Hi everyone and thank you for all the good advice.
Why would I need to use 4 threads? Actually, I don?t know!
It was a strand I saw advertised probably on Ebay, and the discription of it said: knotted with four threads... so I thought this might be very interesting to know how to do it.
Thanks Caitlin for the explanation, I am a bit tired right now and will have to read more carefully in the morning so I understand everything...:rolleyes:
Hello everyone - it has been a while since I last posted (my god it sounds like a confessional - wheres the priest) :)

I think it is important to use multiple strands - multiple strands allow for a neater knot, less chance of slippage of the knot and from my experience its stronger\longer lasting (virtually zero returns when done this way).

Typically I always use between 4 & 6 strands - depending of course on the hole strand, and sometimes on Tahitians 8+.

The following pics are from a strand of potch opal beads where I have used 6 strands - and yes when finishing off there is 12 strands going back through the beads for finishing off.

The knots are the proverbial old-fashioned overhand knot - and I use size 10 or 12 stiff beading needles - (not the flexible ones)



Hi Bernadette,

thanks for your post. I love that clasp. Where did you find it?
Hi Bernadette
Thanks for posting. Those are great pictures too.

I forget the thread you like- it is Australian- Gaylord or something? It is not silk thread.

Also, If you can tell us a good way to attach clasps?
Hello Jerin and Caitlin, :) Sorry I have not replied earlier. The necklace belonged to a client so the origin I can't help you with.
I did google though :)
Rings and things have them, look under puzzle clasps, hope this helps.

Caitlin, I finish off with stiff needles with either two or three pearls depending on the clasp, using a reef knot.