SSP necklace - value buy?


Mar 10, 2012
Hi everyone. This is my first post after lurking for months! I've made a few purchases online thanks to what I've learnt on this forum :). Really love it here!

Now I have a question about this 16" necklace I saw in a shop in my country - the sales lady couldn't tell me the grade but I suspect it's AA, some of the pearls had 1-2 inclusions.
There's a deep discount - it's going for usd4000 coz the shop is closing for renovation.

She allowed me to take photos so I'll post pics once I get back home ... Really appreciate any input at all, and soon coz I don't wish for it to be snapped up!
Here are the photos. They're about 9-10.7mm, on the small side for SSPs but an ok size for me since I'm quite petite.
Thanks for your input!

One of my favorites.  Tiny natural color freshwater pearls.Off-round peach freshwater pearl necklace.Multicolor peanut and round freshwater pearl necklace.Multicolor metalic keishi necklace.
With 1-2 visible inclusions, you could be right about the AA grading. It's hard to tell from the photos but the light reflection looks slightly blurred, so the luster would be in the mid range. For a price of $4000us, I think you would be getting a pretty good deal, especially considering it is coming from a brick and mortar establishment.
Well done Adrienne

4K is a very good price. Enjoy wearing your South Sea's.
Jeremy and Rusty! Thanks for your input, it's really nice that you both have taken the time to help those of us on the forum with our purchasing decisions even though there is a "conflict of interest" so to speak. I think it's really admirable that you guys don't use this merely as a platform advertise as I so often see elsewhere, but let your products and sincerity speak for themselves...

Speaking of the lustre - I've hardly seen any SSPs in the shops here with very high/"tight" lustre, it's usually more diffuse... Though I have seen many Akoyas and Tahitians with high lustre. I guess it's due to the rarity of such high quality SSPs?

PS: Jeremy, my online purchases mentioned in the first post were from PP, will post them up when I receive them (a kind friend is bringing them back home for me).
Just bought the necklace. And couldn't stop myself from getting a pair of Tahitian studs too. Eeps. Think I'm overdoing this!!!
Welcome to the PG pearl family, Adrienne. I couldn't resist a laugh. That is exactly how we all got started with our modest (in your case not so modest) acquisitions soon snowballing into ... let's not even talk about it! Enjoy your pearls and do post more pics in time!
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Hi Adrienne,

Welcome! Say along with the rest of us: I am xx and I am a pearlaholic :D You're not going to get much help getting rid of the addiction here, but we'll make it all the more fun to have it :D

- Karin
eeeeek - SSPs incoming (with a tahitian escort)

welcome Adrienne - glad you did (after your shall I, or shan't I moment..... )

what beautiful pearls

any more picis ? :rolleyes:
You are very welcome and thank you very much, Adrienne. What you've described is exactly what makes a forum a real forum.

South Sea pearls do tend to have a softer, more diffused luster because the aragonite platelets that make up a South Sea pearl are a lot thicker than those in other types of marine pearls. But South Sea pearls can have a sharp, clean luster similar to akoya. It's just not as common. I should note that most South Sea pearls don't go through the same treatments akoya pearls go through (unless they've passed through Japan, and then it would be assumable they gone through maeshori). So their luster is more natural.
Hi Adrienne!
Wow! What a way to start a collection! Can't help to think: you've definitaly cought the addiction, and big time! Welcome to pearlaholic anonymous... We are listening... And always up for more pictures!
Hi Everyone! Thanks for your support! Definitely am a pearlaholic and need understanding from kindred souls...most of my friends don't know the value of pearls and would think that amount of money is way too much for pearls (coz their basis for comparison are FWs).

Thanks for explaining that to me Jeremy, learnt something new again - Maeshori!

I need to admit: in total - I've bought 2 necklaces, 4 pairs of earrings within the last one month. I wanted to buy some pearls to mark a milestone for myself and I allowed myself to splurge (more than I expected though) :eek: .

Here's a photo taken in natural light, shows the lustre and details better. There're some deep inclusions but thankfully those are nearer to the clasp. I'm liking them more and more, think they're really the perfect size for me =)
Will post up more photos in the "show us your pearls" subforum once I figure out how to take better photos..
They look amazing, Adrienne! What was the other necklace? No secrets among kindred spirits :)

- Karin
can we see the Tahitians too

can we see EVERYTHING :cool:
Second that. We want to see it ALL! The SSP strand looks great. So happy for you. Sigh... I can imagine wearing my dreams (hehe). Well, I might afford studs and a pendant!!
Thanks for your show of support! =) I'll be glad to show my stash once my friend brings the rest of the pearls back home for me! I sent it to her US address.
In the meantime, here's an iphone shot of the one of the tahitian earrings.

Isabelle, I think SSP ear studs would be so eye catching and beautiful; go for it! The ones I've seen are way too big and heavy for me..

a pile of necklaces