So...My Kitty Ate My Beeswax


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
I was about to do a restringing job and my wax ended up broken in bits with little teeth marks.

I saved the largest chunk, noticing that yes, it did indeed smell sweet.

It lasted less than 24 hours and now I have no wax. Bad kitty...:mad:

I'd like to deliver Miss Miriam's pearls there any other type of 'industry' that would carry beeswax? :confused:
Any place that sells beeswax candles/soaps! A gift shop, a home decor shop, Yankee Candle (at least the main shop in Deerfield does, not sure about other Yankee Candle shops). For that matter, even Wal-Mart or other big box stores might have such candles.

Failing this, I'd call Home Depot and ask them if they sell blocks of it. You never know!
That's an excellent idea! Thanks! :)

(now if we could just figure out where the kitties took my husband's platinum wedding band :p)
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That's an excellent idea! Thanks! :)

(now if we could just figure out where the kitties took my husband's platinum wedding band :p)


Any chance a cat would ingest that? If so I'd keep him indoors and watch the kitty litter pan.

Also on the beeswax, don't quilters use it? so maybe any place that had quilting supplies. Maybe even Joann Fabrics?
This might be a big duh, because I don't know where you live. If you're in the U.S., Joann Fabrics definitely, usually, carries beeswax and so do almost any fabric stores. You can just call them on the phone and ask if they have any in. I use it when I'm sewing and they sell it in little flat blocks for people who sew. (sewers? yuk)
Good luck.
Dear Danachit:
Had a second thought. If you havent' thrown out your little bits of beeswax, you could safely recycle them by putting them in a double boiler. Try placing an egg cup in the top half of the double boiler, and let the wax melt in the egg cup for about two minutes. Then after it has cooled, any germs from your kitty should be safely neutralized and the wax will be usable again. I wouldn't put it straight on the stove as it can burn.
If the amount is quite small you could add an equal or smaller amount of white wax. It will make it slightly firmer but still be usable.
All good ideas!

(as for the wedding band, I looked where it was supposed to be...his glass tray on the dresser...and there it was, plain as day. He was three hours into tearing the house apart and had moved to the outside trash. Did I have fun with that? You betcha...:p)
Ha! Been there...going through the trash for nothing. Glad it wasn't inside kitty, though!

The journey has ended. I found beeswax in my THIRD bead/hobby shop. Now I'm off to knotting and this time will keep this little 'feline wax delicacy' tightly sealed.

Learn from me! :D
Well...not sure if it was Abby or Dark Kitty but hopefully they are happily visiting the litter box and not putting out little poo-candles. :D