Sheri does it again - meet the turtle babies!


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2013
Hi, everyone! I've missed you all! Life has been nutty, but I had to pop in and share these wonderful little guys with you. Our own wonderful Sheri was kind enough to design these little guys for me. Turtles hold a special place in my heart, as one of my kids' favorite things to do is to go visit the turtles in the lake near our house. And I've always wanted a special piece incorporating Sea of Cortez pearls. She made them so much more wonderful than I imagined! Look at their sweet faces, laughing like they're sharing a joke. Just like my kiddos, when they whisper with each other and giggle til their bellies hurt <3 I love these guys! Looking forward to figuring out all the fun ways to style them! Thank you, Sheri <3

OMG, my ovaries just exploded. Those are soooo cute. And the pearls are beautiful, too.

What do their tummies look like? I know the backsides of Sheri's jewels are just as fun as the front sides. Is there a loop or bail?
My husband saw these on her facebook posting and thought she made cufflinks. Love the faces on these cuties...
Oh my they're so cute. Sheri is so talented. Pity she's so far from me.
Thank you, everyone! They really are so very special. I didn't see them on Facebook, where were they posted?

BWeaves, here's Sheri's pic of their backs. I had asked her if she could make them so that I could dangle them individually, or link them together, and I think she nailed it.
AAAHHHHHHHH jesus christ can they be ANY CUTER??????????????? LLLOOOOVVVEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not believe the details on them! The texture of their skin, and even their eyes are smiling and laughing!!!
It's genius how Sheri incorporated the back bail with the prongs up front!
Haha I like them so much I've already harassed Sheri to make more!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm with Purranha-- these are genius, my favorites of all her creations! Congratulations, battah! Enjoy these little guys:)
Battah and Sheri, these turtles are darling ... just incredible!!!
You are all so wonderful - thanks so much for the nice comments! Here is a close-up of their faces...IMG_7333.jpg
Oh, they are so adorable!!! She did a great job on them and I love using the mabes for the shells!