Back in 2010, Jack Lynch of Sea Hunt Pearls sent a pre-AGTA Tucson show email blast to his clients: a new pearl is coming to town!
And it's smelly! (When drilled.)
But very beautiful.
Enter the aptly-named Souffle' Pearl, Jack's gift to the pearl industry...

On opening day, I hustled over to the Sea Hunt Pearls booth and bought several magnificent pearls and took them home. The result: my photograph and article in JCK Magazine have been replicated all over the internet and Jack's Souffle' moniker took hold and is in standard use today.

A great guy!
Jack Lynch, Owner/Founder Sea Hunt Pearls
(Wholesale to the trade.)
Blaire Beavers
Managing Editor
Pearl Guide News
And it's smelly! (When drilled.)
But very beautiful.
Enter the aptly-named Souffle' Pearl, Jack's gift to the pearl industry...

On opening day, I hustled over to the Sea Hunt Pearls booth and bought several magnificent pearls and took them home. The result: my photograph and article in JCK Magazine have been replicated all over the internet and Jack's Souffle' moniker took hold and is in standard use today.

A great guy!
Jack Lynch, Owner/Founder Sea Hunt Pearls
(Wholesale to the trade.)
Blaire Beavers
Managing Editor
Pearl Guide News