Round Nose Pliers... Which Has the Finest Tips?


May 26, 2014
I've been longing for a very fine tip round nose set of pliers to wire wrap 26 and possibly smaller gauge wire. What brand do you recommend and why, and what is the tip width? Interested to know if there is anything you'd change about what you're using. Thanks!
Helen, I don't think you can find smaller tips than these.

My main pliers and cutters are from the Lindstrom RX line, I have large hands and can work with these all day with ease.

Bought these white handle Lindstrom last year and like them also. I thought the tips might be smaller than RX, but they are very close in size. They might be preferable for someone with smaller hands. The spring style is different from the RX.
Thanks ladies, I was actually considering the Lindstrom Supreme pliers, but different sites list different tip sizes which got me wondering. I guess it would be best if I could go to an actual store and see the tips myself since they seem to vary in widths depending on when it was made.

Pattye, I first considered the RX series but read a lot of people were having problems with the plastic thing in the middle popping off. Have you had any issues?
Yeah, it's a plastic spring on the RX; I've read about problems also, but personally haven't had problems. Good luck finding a store that carries these pliers (7590), next best thing is a good return policy. I will say my handles were a bit dinged up as a couple of reviews mentioned, but it didn't matter enough to me to exchange them. All my Lindstrom have held up well when working with stiffer wire and haven't torked out of line like cheaper pliers. There is considerable size difference!

Thanks for your feedback and side by side comparison! Glad your pliers work well!
During a quiet moment at a Ruckus, I once asked John what pliers he recommended ... he laid out a rainbow of about 50 pair, kindly and graciously beckoned me into his office to try them all, saying "Well, it all depends ..." I admitted I was outclassed and went back to pearls :)
I hoard tools. in our company I was known as the keeper of the lost tools ... you know, the ones careless men left laying outside, around a warehouse etc. ... they all ended up in my desk ... tape measures, pliers ... all of them. Sooner or later, they'd come looking for them. If they behaved, I let them borrow them back for a while ...
I have been happily using the small white handled Lindstroms for over 20 years :)
Great pliers info! I confess I have quite a few pairs of little-nosed pliers, some of which I only use for one thing. I think I need a bigger toolbox. Hah! I don't think any local stores carry this brand of pliers, so I'll go look online.
Oooh Cathy, what a great idea!!! I'm going to have to ask John that question and see what stash he's got!
When workmen come to make repairs to my condo, they borrow my tools because mine are better. Comes from being single most of my life and being handy and unafraid.