Rope of baroque?


New Member
Feb 2, 2013
I bought the necklace in the pictures from a small shop that mainly sold women's clothes, so from that and the price, I assumed it was costume jewelry. However, a friend thought they were real and introduced me to the "tooth test," and they are gritty. They're also heavy and cool to the touch but quick to warm up with skin contact. This made me wonder if they might be real? If they are real, are they worth very much (enough to make it worth having them evaluated?) Obviously, they're very baroque. The strand is 80" long with no clasp. Thanks for your help.

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Hi and welcome!
Those are Chinese freshwater pearls. That pattern on the pearls is called circled and or circle` with the accent making it sound French. Many people like it. While the piece is not worth a lot, it is perfect for business wear or leisure wear. The circles have a lot of iridescence and I love that effect.

Those pearls are happy looking, cute and fresh.
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Thanks so much -- I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. The pearls are cute and fresh! I know I'm going to love wearing them, particularly after learning so much about pearls from this site (although I can definitely see how pearls could be addictive ...). Thanks.