Real or Fake?

I could only see one of your photos, but it's one hoppin' good photo!
Members have posted pictures of known Mikimoto clasps and here are two for comparison. The gold one is from the 90's, according to the poster. The second one is silver, so probably from the 60's.

Another member, Mary Montpezat, has four Mikimoto pieces. I hope she'll see this thread and post some pictures of her clasps. It would be great to have them for reference.


  • pg_clasp_3.jpg
    40.2 KB · Views: 87
  • pg clasp 2.jpg
    pg clasp 2.jpg
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How about photographed in pairs? Front and back.

Does Mikimoto have a section on a website listing every clasp they've used?
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Does Mikimoto have a section on a website listing every clasp theyve used?

It would be nice if Mikimoto provided any history of their jewelry items, but, no, there's nothing on their site. With so much fakery around, you'd think it would be in their best interests to help consumers educate themselves.
Hi Valleypeach,

From what I've read about the Chinese "reproduction" industry, it seems that Mikimoto clasps have started to be forged. It might be worth getting the gold tested. That said, I've been told that the slight lack of symmetry in the clamshell brand on your piece actually a good indicator. These days I think provenance is important! : )

I don't see any lack of symmetry in the photo in the OP, but I do see a bit in the photo on the left in post #4.

Mary, do you have any reference for us about the Miki clasps starting to be forged? I had not read this before.

Edit: I found this post from Knotty Panda in 2008 which says asymmetry was a mark of genuineness.
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fake or real

fake or real

Thanks Becca, and yes it would be wonderful to see a few more known Miki clasps posted. The asymetry, it is my understanding is a mark of genuineness, as another person replied. This is why I posted the clasp and the question... because this logo on the clasp is symetrical.
I too have been alerted to the chinese repros. Everything from watches to pearls.
Someone suggested having the gold tested. Even if it is 18k (I believe it is) that does not ensure the pearls are Miki.
I feel like we are rapidly moving to a world where you can only know it is Miki if you buy directly from them.

Meantime, wouldn't it be lovely to have a sticky somewhere on this site with pictures of known Mikimoto clasps?
A girl can dream...
Welcome Valley Peach and that is a great request!

We need to solicit photos of the clasps from people. I know very little about them, but one person said the asymmetry is authentic- and the thicker lines, so it is possible the one in the link above is a knock off. I don't really think anyone here has the expertise to declare that, but we can request it! Good luck. At the worst you have some lovely akoyas, maybe better quality than many Mikis! And the carats on the clasp- you should know how many times miki does SILVER clasps! So you probably got your money's worth.
so it may not be miki and it is probably better than that.
I believe this is the eBay listing; the photos can be zoomed in on. Seller is a brick & mortar store.

Item didn't sell and was relisted. Listing is current.

Editing to say, after looking at them, that you can do better. There are visible flaws and I think you could get a much nicer Akoya strand from our online dealers for the money-- am I right?
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