Price/Quality of Tahitian pearls in Tahiti


New Member
Sep 14, 2013
Hi All,

I found this forum while researching tahitian pearls. I am lucky enough to be going to Tahiti, Moorea and Bora Bora this November. I would love to bring back a strand of Tahitian pearls (probably 10-12mm excellent quality baroque). My question is whether pearls in Tahiti are fairly priced and of good quality. I am wondering if all of the best pearls will be sent to the wholesale market. Is buying in Tahiti a good idea, or would I do better with one of the online sources mentioned in this forum? I'd appreciate some guidance.

Hello Montacute:
I went to all those places two years ago, and fell in LOVE with the gorgeous pearls. I didn't do my homework until after I came back. How I would love to go see them again with more educated eyes and brain cells. I envy you. (Plus it is beautiful there, even without the pearls, I envy you.)
Look at as many pictures here as you can. And also look at the websites to get an idea of costs. This forum has many reputable, honest online pearl vendors. I have bought from at least five different ones here, and have been very happy with every purchase.
Reading here, I remember hearing that the stores in French Polynesia tend to charge more than other pearl sellers in the world. Tourists are charged more, something along those lines. And I suppose online is usually a better deal compared to "brick and mortar" stores that you walk into. But having said that; there are TONS of pearl stores in French Polynesia (FP). And I think they are all hurting because tourism has not recovered from the 2008 financial crash. There might be some competition going on. Some of the prices I remember, they didn't seem to be too out of line. Mind you, I was looking at single pearls, and not full strands. I think FP has not sent away all their best pearls. There should be some good quality ones available. (The pearl vendors here can answer that question with more certainty than myself.) I have a baroque strand like the one you are interested in. Online, it should be cost between $600 and $900 probably. (I paid $750 for my strand). I certainly had no idea that Tahitians were so costly, so the idea of paying $100 for one pearl was enough of a shock for me at that time. :-)
Have a wonderful trip. You will love it.
PS; I did not buy my strand in FP. I bought a couple single pearls. I came home, saved up, and bought a strand from an online vendor here.
generally the best pearls will be exported from French Polynesia, that being said there should be some good pearls available but you really need to know your pricing. Like any tourist destination the prices tend to be inflated but there is something neat about buying them on the islands even if you do pay more.
You could buy yourself a pendant, a nice single pearl, while in Tahiti and then buy your strand online. A bit of romance!
I found round earrings with a slight peacock overtone set in silver and a killer green pearl set on a silver shell pendant. They were both from little shops and were reasonable, but it took some searching. The pendant pearl had a bad side that was attached to the pendant, but not visible without great effort. Maybe you should just look for some fun stuff while you enjoy looking at all the beautiful pearls. :)
Okay, I read my own thread and the shop was on the main drag - Herman. :) It was the first vacation I went on where I actually saved up money ahead of the trip to buy the (Eyris Blue) pearls, but I still went way over the budget. I wasn't planning on buying pearls in Tahiti or Australia. :)
I feel in love with Tahitian pearls when I was in Bora Bora. Ended up buying some earings for my wife that I still love more for the memories than for the quality. They are by far not the best quality but were what the budget allowed at the time and a very nice conversion rate to CPF.

Fortunatly the country and the beauty of the pearls help land me on this forum so know I am a much more informed consumer and my budget has gone up as well landing we with several nice pieces from Josh at Kamoka

Its very nice to get something nice to bring back but unless you get directly from a farm you may not get the quality/price you are looking for.

I feel in love with Tahitian pearls when I was in Bora Bora. Ended up buying some earings for my wife that I still love more for the memories than for the quality. They are by far not the best quality but were what the budget allowed at the time and a very nice conversion rate to CPF.

Fortunatly the country and the beauty of the pearls help land me on this forum so know I am a much more informed consumer and my budget has gone up as well landing we with several nice pieces from Josh at Kamoka

Its very nice to get something nice to bring back but unless you get directly from a farm you may not get the quality/price you are looking for.


Josh's Tahitians (Kamoka Pearls) are magnificent! I have a pair of Kamoka blue-green Tahitian pearl studs that I wear all of the time. Montacute, do take a minute to visit his site and learn about the green practices on his pearl farm. Plus, he is a really nice guy :cool:
Josh's Tahitians (Kamoka Pearls) are magnificent! I have a pair of Kamoka blue-green Tahitian pearl studs that I wear all of the time. Montacute, do take a minute to visit his site and learn about the green practices on his pearl farm. Plus, he is a really nice guy :cool:

Well said, Litgeek and DavidL, I completely agree! Kamoka Pearls are amazing and a great choice!
​Not only these things, Josh also nucleates with beads from the shells that grow the pearls! It's altogether marvelous.
Thanks for the tips about Kamoka. Very, very neat that pieces of the shells go back to make the pearls!
Thanks, Katbran! I really was curious, I love the backstories.
I treasure having mementos from special trips, and it just doesn't get any better than jewelry, gemstones and pearls, lol.