PP Metallic color-shifts


New Member
Mar 14, 2012
I always love looking at pictures of pearls that people have managed to collect, and they're so helpful in making purchasing decisions, so I'm posting my pictures here even though, as people have said time and again, that pictures don't do these color shift pearls justice.

Pearl Paradise color-shifting metallic pearl strand

I think these are supposed to be peach-silver and they are SHINY. The color shift on these are incredibly subtle, but absolutely beautiful. The strand is amazingly well color-matched, given generally how unusual the color and metallic quality is.

pearl paradise metallic color shift freshwater pearl strand

I think this may have been the last strand at PP that I snagged.... I saw on a forum member's post either here or at Pricescope that there was only one strand left and now the PP website lists that these are out of stock. The size and shape of these pearls are pretty similar to a lavender strand I got from Kojima a year ago. The peach color is going to be more versatile for wearing year-round for me, as the lavender and my summer tan do not do each other any favors.

The knots have stretched out a little bit over time during storage at PP and the french wire has also stretched out a little bit. I am thinking of trying to re-string myself, but the drill holes look to be a bit larger than the typical. I'll email PP and we shall see...
Lulu, I restrung my color-shifting strand last month using 20# PowerPro. The thread size was perfect for the holes.

And here is my tutorial on how to restring; I urge you to give it a try! Your pearls are very pretty!!!

The entire line of color-shifting pearls were amazing, Pattye. I've seen some photos of the lavender ones and they blew me away.
Pearl Dreams -- Thanks for the tip! I had strung a strand of similarly sized pearls on 50 lb. Power Pro and I *think* the knots are of comparable size, although Power Pro knots are so much tighter than silk knots, it's hard to be sure. I love the clasp that you have on your strand, and I think you have done a better job of capturing the color of your strand in photos. Bravo!

Pattye -- These are so so shiny and special, I can absolutely see why they became a big hit! I love the drop shapes -- I think those are my favorite shapes for pearls, even though they seem more casual.
Nice to see those color shifters again! I have some and forgot about them. I put some of them aside and forgot about them after I picked out a few special ones.

When I looked at them all under my little halogen desk light, some of them had a blue core. they didn't quite match colors on the outside, but those blue cores were so astounding!

I had enough to make a bracelet. I showed it to Jeremy this summer and commented on the blue cores. He didn't know what I was talking about. And they don't seem to show up much except under a halogen light- but the ones in my bracelet are secretly special, I guess. The blue is an intense aqua in the core of the pearls- and only in a few of them.

Anyone else have some and a halogen light? Meanwhile, I am going to get the rest of them out right away and string them up!

I do remember Marianne got an intensely purple strand. I was there first, and saw it, but I picked out multicolored strands, instead. Still, I had an instant of regret about the purple when Marianne picked it, it suddenly looked so beautiful....... I'd love to see what she did with it.
Lulu it is so good to know that someone from PG got that wonderful strand. It was very hard for me to leave it there in November. Enjoy your spectatular strand it really is something special!
How cool is that Newberry. I have LULU's strand in my photos from your trip in November. I am glad those beautiful pearls got a home. Newberry's son took a photo of your pearls LULU and sent them to me.

Pearl Paradise metallic color-shifting freshwater pearl strand
Newberry and Lilliefuzzysocks: how funny! I *thought* that these pearls looked familiar! Thanks so much for leaving this strand behind ;-) I wore them around all morning and I'm just in love with how versatile the color is. Thanks for posting your photo here as well! I'd seen the pictures (like Boo's strands and I think some of your strands) in other threads and now I finally have one of my own ;-)
Hi Caitlin, Nope wasn't me. I got multi coloreds as well. They are still not "strung up proper" but they do get to come out for some tlc quite often :)