The top-drilled egg shaped ones are cultured freshwater pearls from China.
The graduated round neckace looks like imitation but the photo is not very clear. I would need to see better photos. Lay the necklace down against a neutral surface, like a paper towel, let us see the entire necklace (you could coil it), and make sure the focus is clear. A few closeups would be helpful including any flaws you see. Are there any marks on the clasp indicating type of metal?
Also try these simple tests:
• Rub two of the pearls together gently. Do they glide smoothly or feel gritty? Smooth = imitation, gritty = real nacre
• Place both necklaces in the same temperature environment for 30 minutes. Then hold each necklace to your lips, which are very temperature sensitive. Real pearls feel cooler than glass imitation pearls.