Please help determine value



1. These pearls are gritty when rubbed on my teeth.

2. I have provided pictures of both front & back of clasp. I see many imperfections that look like scrapes. One large imperfection where the pearl is not smooth in one area, a ripple? The pearls are not all perfectly round. Some of them you can see what I'm going to call seams on them.

3. My great Aunt left them to me, I really have no history on them.

4. On the side of the clasp I think I can make out 14/20 and some kind of symbol. Looks like an incomplete uppercase G.

5. The pearls are roughly 5 mm

Thank you for your time!

They look like cultured freshwater pearls, not a heck of a lot of value given the size and imperfections, but a nice keepsake from your great Aunt none the less.