Pearls' Latest Urban Legend

It is actually true... just not true for freshwater pearls.

South Sea producers have been working on this for years. Joseph Taylor from Atlas Pearl in Indonesia, for example, has been creating white South Sea pearls from a predominantly gold-lip native stock by selective breeding and other techniques. Jewelmer does the opposite with gold-lip, darkening the the mother of pearl to a deep gold and increasing the output of gold South Sea pearls instead of creams and yellows.

I think the quote from that blog is combining two different stories to come to the wrong conclusion.
I dare say we will see increasing selection of stock and hybriding to enhance several traits sought after in pearl bearing critters- We certainly have the know how.

In a few generations the pearl stock will be so domesticated, it would not survive without human care any better than a cow can.

Now if those Chinese would just get some of our American freshwater pearls stock, they will be able to grow many more colors of pearls including a brilliant purple, deep reds and more.

Better yet, why doesn't a very wealthy American start raising mussel stock right here? I can think of worse ways to throw away money......
Caitlin Williams said:
Better yet, why doesn't a very wealthy American start raising mussel stock right here? I can think of worse ways to throw away money......

There are a few freshwater farms in the US, no? Any idea how those operations are doing?