Pearl Shortener


New Member
Oct 12, 2008
I have a 34 inch strand of 12-13mm SS that I want my wife to be able to wear doubled or long. I have thought about having them restrung without a clasp and then having a "pearl shortener" made to look like a nice clasp so that they can be doubled-up. Is this a good idea? Does anyone have a better idea - I thought about having two diamond ball clasps put on it so that the neckalce could be split into two but I am not cray about that look.

Any ideas are appreciated.

A nice pearl shortner is a great idea! SSP's look so lush in the longer or shorter, doubled version.
Hi Pearlfinder,

So doubled would be roughly 17 inches, and for most women that length will nest right at the base of the neck. No real problem with staying in place, I would imagine, whereas a longer rope might pull out of place with the weight.

The problem with a continuous strand in large size pearls is that doubling it back it makes a large loop on each side about 1 1/2 inch across and would require a very large shortener to attach the two loops. Doing it this way will also put a lot of tension on the stringing material at each loop. Hope you can picture this. I tried this with a similar size strand.

Is the strand currently knotted and strung? Or just on a temporary?

Hope this photo helps to explain what I mean.

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They are knotted and strung. They do fold over just as you have pictured. I just cannot think of another way to do it. I was thinking about putting an extra set of knots between the pearls that would meet so that the shortener would hopefully have enough space to fit in without putting too much stress on the strand. I plan to restring and was thining about makng the shortener part as thin as possible. That all being said I cannot think of a way to fix the loop problem unless I have the pearls overlap in the back and that causes another set of problems. Like I said - any ideas are appreciated.
I guess if it were me personally, I would try to find an attractive large flatish clasp, so the pearls could cross over on top of it. Perhaps a clasp that could be worn showing on the side when worn long. Right now, long is totally in.

I doubt that even an extra knot would be close to the flexibility you need to have the strand double back nicely.

Perhaps someone else will have some insights on how to address this-----they sound like gorgeous pearls!

The other option would possibly be the invisible clasps, allowing 2 separate necklaces to nest, and then be made into 1 long piece. I have not had the opportunity to examine any in person, but they do seem to have wide use, and you might want to look into that.
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Hi PearlFinder,

I highly recommend the invisible "mystery clasp" option that Pattye suggested:

I'm a great lover of ropes (and BIG pearls - woohoo!) and the mystery clasps work beautifully. Not only do they add tremendous versatility, but I also appreciate how the shorter necklace can be strung to whatever length I specify - it varies, depending on pearl size.

I was a bit concerned at first that the rigid junction between the pearls would create a kink in the strand, but I can honestly say that the junction is so seamless that I often have to inspect every pearl to find the clasp! Truly amazing.

All 3 of my 11-13mm SS ropes have mystery clasps (my Tahitian has 3, allowing also for a bracelet. Neat-o!) All future ropes will, too. They're absolutely indispensable.

My $0.02. :)
You know you don't actually have to use a shortner to double the length. Just cross over the pearls (wrap twice around the neck)at one point and use the original clasp.

There was a picture of a very famous British woman on here a while back, ( I forget her name for now). She had on a 5 row necklace with just one clasp and it crossed over itself a couple of times. It looked gorgeous.

Advantage? Crossing over doesn't interfere with the length or stretch out the silk.

Just to clarify my point above, mystery clasps would allow PearlFinder to avoid overlapping by creating 2 necklaces out of the 34" strand: for example, a single 16 1/2" neckace that would nest precisely within a 17 1/2" necklace, achieving the doubled strand he's after. No overlapping the back, since each necklace has its own hidden clasp.

As a bonus, his wife would then have 4 options from a single rope:

1. 34" rope
2. a 16 1/2" necklace
3. a 17 1/2" necklace
4. a "doubled" necklace

That's a lot of bang for the bivalve. :)
... for example, a single 16 1/2" neckace that would nest precisely within a 17 1/2" necklace ...

The size of these pearls would not nest perfectly at 16-1/2 and 17-1/2 strands. Smaller sized would, but not these.

Why have it restrung? Just buy the pearl shortener and you still have the options of a rope and two strands which do nest without all that expense.
This one might work

I have a similar one to the following link size 19mm x 25mm, but that item has been discontinued. This is a smaller one|1249262368733=pearl+shortener, item #646374.

These won't be a problem if your wife's hair covers the shortener. If you are concerned with how it looks with shorter hair, then I think mystery clasp or Cliclasp may be your solution. Good luck!

I think the Pearl Paradise clip will fit your pearls.
The size of these pearls would not nest perfectly at 16-1/2 and 17-1/2 strands. Smaller sized would, but not these.

Why have it restrung? Just buy the pearl shortener and you still have the options of a rope and two strands which do nest without all that expense.

Good point about the larger pearl size. My 11.5-14mm strands nest 1 3/4" apart at 17 1/4" and 19". PearlFinder would probably have to go even greater (16" and 18"?) A bit tight for me, but my Callire days have long since passed. :)

I like the mystery clasps because the back of my neck looks as polished as the front - no need to hide anything under my hair or jacket. It's a small expense, IMHO, given the rather substantial initial investment.

Really appreciate your imput on this, as personally am very fond of large pearls and ropes.

It's a sickness, really. P.margaritiferosis, if I'm not mistaken. :)
Ain't fatal, but you will die with it. Ain't no cure.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I think that I am now back to putting two diamond ball clasps (one on each side of the rope) so that it can be split into two. So now I start my hunt for the clasps.

Thanks again.
I have finally found two perfectly fitted 2ct diamond balls and have had the pearls restrung - she now has four options as indicated above - long two singles or the two worn together.

Thanks for all of the input.