Pearl Shopping in New Zealand


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Just back from a wonderful week on New Zealand's North Island, driving from Wellington to Auckland with business in both cities and plenty of fabulous places to see in between. Saw some strands in passing that I thought well worth noting:

Photo on left:
Window display on Lambton Quay in Wellington. Pretty self-evident!

Photo on right:
Auckland International Airport Terminal. Among the most impressive and unique SS strands I’ve seen. This hefty multicolor strand appears to be 100% P. Maxima, no hybridization with Black Pearls ? la Pelosi. The pearls are outstanding (15mm+), and the colors are mesmerizing, including white, silver and gold body colors with a rainbow of overtones, including rose, green and blue. I have not seen anything like it before, and look forward to reading other comments. Obviously, the photo is not ideal, perhaps just good enough to get the idea.


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Lovely! Thanks for the photos, Steve! Did you note any of the prices on these?
That multi looks pretty spectacular!! They are all gorgeous!

The Gold and White pieces were photographed illicitly and I couldn't see pricing, but the diamond jewelery in the same window display that I could see was top-level. Would assume BIG ticket here!

The multicolor may be a relative bargain. I got to handle it (very weighty) and used my Pearl-Guide 'credentials' to convince the manager to let me photograph. Price approximately $22K New Zealand, and the US Dollar has strengthened considerably against the Kiwi dollar in recent days, $1US = $0.61NZ. So US$13,339.696 or so—what appears to me a very defensible amount.
Wow, I love the multicolor one. I really like the different shades of golden color and the different overtones on the white. What a striking combination.
Having handled it, that multicolor strand continues to amaze me, for the simple fact that it has captured my attention in a way $100K SS, Cortez, Mikimoto or Tahitian strands have not. In fact, other than keshis I can't say I've ever been struck to this degree by a cultured piece. As the retail source is a chain (albeit highly respected and family-owned), I'm making some inquiries regarding its sourcing and creation to ascertain uniqueness.

I actually hope I'm totally off base here. Please, someone tell me these are a dime a dozen!