pearl necklace


Aug 22, 2013
Hi All,

I've been lurking here for a while and finally decided to post. Although I've been making jewelry as a side business for several years, but only now getting around to teaching myself to knot pearls. So this weekend I made about 7 necklaces (using both Pattye's thread and PowerPro #20, #30) and I am somewhat pleased with the results. However, the knot tying is not quite automatic for me yet. It seems with each necklace I start to deviate to a different process and have to refer back to my notes to get re-oriented. And my hands are still really clumsy. But just wanted to say thanks so much to the posters here for providing instructional guidance. But clearly, I need more practice. Also, I was wondering if the PowerPro sold in Wal-Mart is the same product sold by Artbeads? Also, I am in Northern Virginia and was wondering if any of the wholesale dealers reading this site do any of the gem shows on this area? Thanks!! Kathleen


  • baroque pearl necklace.jpg
    baroque pearl necklace.jpg
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Sun Seeker,

Good for you! Interesting shape pearls~I'd think the powerpro would be the same, just sold under a different brand name. It is also sold on a very large spool as fishing line. And thanks for using Beader's Secret, too. Just keep practicing, and the knotting will get easier. Seven necklaces in 1 weekend, now that is quite an accomplishment!
Yes, I've bought Power Pro from Walmart and from Artbeads. It's just packaged differently but it's the same thing.
Great job! It's a good idea to do a little knotting on a regular basis so your newly acquired skills don't backslide. Welcome to Pearl Guide!! :)