i bought a pearl some five years ago from a local diver here in davao city philippines.. He alrealdy placed the single pearl in a bottle with full of seawater...i just bought it out of curiosity because he told me that the single grain with it will soon turn into a pearl...honestly,, i bought it because the man selling it was featured in our national tv show here.he dives using only a compressor which is very dangerous to a mans health...i bought the single pearl for seven hundred pesos..implaced the bottle in the darkest part of our cabinet....after two or three years..alas,,, there are two pearls in the bottle..and there are two grains looking like sand....i refilled the water with sea water again..and after another two years...there are now three pearls inside the bottle..and now there are another three grains again...i just wonder what kind of pearl it is...cam anyone let me know what kind of pearl it is...