HI Bill!---I was asking about PP's tweezers-
free method!
However, I am glad you outlined the tweezers method here. Great reference material.
My sis in law Lulu sits at a table and does it as you describe. She picks up the pre-strung pearls and puts them on the table and clamps the tweezers in place with the tips tight against the table and the latest pearl after she SWINGS the thread over and around (I couldn't tell from your directions if you hold the pearls or have them on a table, but this is an important part of her technique.) She uses the needles with the silk thread attached, too. I bet she took a class! I am going to ask her.
I am a retired modern/ballet dancer and a very kinesthetic person. I see the movements of stringing pearls as a dance and I like to learn new choreography! There is always room to refine the technique or even switch it entirely.
Once, I sat opposite Lulu and copied her for a few knots. I found her method ponderous and cumbersome. Then I reverted to knotting without tweezers and finished my strand a number of pearls before she finished hers. We both put all the pearls on the string before starting and pushed each pearl into place one at a time before knotting, but I hold my work in my hands and do not need a table. I hold with thumb and pull the thread tight with the fingers of same hand.
Also, I will use a variety of threads to string. I have used doubled silk thread with a drop of glue (the traditional glue is gum arabic) to stiffen and combine the shaved ends - no needle. Works great, but is messy until it dries right. Now I am wondering if gum arabic isn't the really- really old way to make pearl threading points! Maybe the original method before needles were that small?
Also, if you are budget minded, you can buy spools of silk thread and needles in packs of 5-50 for way, way cheap. compared to the little plastic packages with a couple of yards of silk and a needle in it. If you thread your own needles, the thread will be doubled, so you buy thinner thread to begin with.
I have also used nylon thread and think it has some advantages as a stringing medium, though it has no mystique, as silk does. I also have used fake sinew. It makes good knots and has no bias because it is not twisted, yet is incredibly strong.
(You righties -right handed folks!- have no idea what I am talking about because the thread is twisted to use rightie and your knots come out right automatically.)