Our Giant 7.3 kilo clam white Pearl


Feb 9, 2015
Any images of the shell it came from or any idea on its history/provenance? Although interesting it is rather hard to decide whether it is a "blister pearl", "blister" or a piece of large worked and polished Tridacna gigas shell?
It was found in Sulu sea philippines. An expert who tested the actual giant pearl said that it cost about $450,000 or above. It is a natural pearl from giant clam. It is definitely a Tridacna pearl
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Please post a copy of the report from this so called expert and a CITES certification.

Even if it's authentic (which I doubt) it's not worth what it's claimed to be.

In fact, most wild tridacna parts are illegal to possess.
We're in the process of getting a certification. If it's authentic what do you think is the market value of this pearl?
We're in the process of getting a certification. If it's authentic what do you think is the market value of this pearl?

If authentic it has no gem value. Museum value perhaps, but not high. This piece presents with numerous concerns, no less complete absence of time, date and location of harvest. No images in situ nor adequate documentation supporting licensed harvest, trade or possession. Undocumented, trade in tridacna parts is otherwise illegal in most countries.

Similar pieces have been posted here before and almost all are cut from shells. When that occurs, the object is considered destroyed. In that scenario, the only value add was the intact shell.