On my way to my first real beading experience


New Member
Jan 28, 2008
I few weeks ago, I purchased some loose pearls while on vacation. At first I thought I would take them somewhere to have them strung, but then l decided I could do it myself. I decided to turn to PG to determine what I would need to successfully complete the strand. I must say, you beaders really made figuring it out quite easy! Thank you!

I had to go to several different sites to find everything I wanted, but after a day or so of research, I found everything I want, and I'm quite happy with the price. I have since decided if all goes well, I will do some more beading (I actually ordered some extra supplies).

I made purchases from Artbeads (love the free shipping), Fire Mountain Gems and Bella Findings. I was hoping to use one site, but prices varied between the three, as did products.

Again, thank you for all the sharing. I'll post some pictures when I finish.
Lisa: You'll have to show us! That's why I created the "show us your beads" thread. So many tools and techniques from beading translate to stringing pearls it's good to have pics to see. Tell me how the pricing and shipping goes for you. I've found that what Artbeads doesn't charge in shipping, they make up for in purchase price. If I use the assortable feature on FireMountain, I actually get some things free! I love that price. (For instance, today with assortable, I got about 25' of wire free.)
Hi Lisa, Knotty,

I have found lots and lots of great advice on knotting, and beading, here on the forum.... have made quite a few things in the past few weeks. I have bought some beads on ebay, particularly bali/hilltribe silver, and some headpins & stuff... BUT, thanks to forum members, I have also ordered from Artbeads, and FireMountain gems - great service from both, but from firemountain gems it was truly outstanding - I live in Australia, and the goods were on my doorstep in 3 days - I did pay for good shipping, but that is fantastic! Also, the more I ordered, the higher the discount, and they added a free (useful) gift. I will definitely use them again....

Another great tool is the video instructions on the firemountain gems website - another lovely forum member told me about those and they were truly invaluable - my husband was running from the study as I was playing one of them over and over for my first 10 wound loops! Caitlin's excellent clasp attachment lesson is also invaluable!
Thanks Jeremy, but I am still confused, that thread is all about chain maille work- and nice work, at that. Though some of it has beads, I didn't see anything with stringing or knotting.

Unless you are doing maillework, when you take some pictures, start your own thread....It will be easier to find.
Ok, I finished stringing my pearls, and although it was a bit rough at times, I made it and I think they look great. I have one question though, what do I do with the extra thread from my first and last knot? Do I just cut it as close to the knot as possible? I worry I may accidentally cut the knot or cause it to come undone. Should I do anything after I cut the string? Is this where I would burn the end of the thread?

Hi Lisa,
Assuming you've used French wire and doubled back through the first and last few pearls.

At the start of the necklace, having threaded three or four beads, French wire, the clasp, and then going back through the beads, knotting between each one, I cut off the silk that was used to start the necklace before making the next knot, (the cut end disappears into the next knot) and carry on using the main silk to complete the beading.

At the end of the stringing, after doubling back and knotting, I take the silk through one more pearl and then cut it off, so the loose end is inside the pearl.
Gosh, I hope this makes sense....
probably everyone has cut through the stringing thread when attempting to cut the end off reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally short.
You just have to do it all again
Sueki's right. Hiding the loose end under the pearl is a good way to conceal it. If you wish to burn the thread off, use the "Perfect End" thread burner. Or, there's always glue or nail polish. Gotta run! Work!
Prior to cutting the loose thread, I put a drop of glue around each knot. I use G-S Hypo cement. It comes with a pin that I use to smear the glue around the knot. I let the glue dry for at least five hours. To cut the lose thread I use a double edge razor. I wrap the loose thread around my index finger leaving about an inch of thread space between my finger and the knot and pull it taut. I put the soft flat side of the razor up against the knot while the sharp edge quickly cuts the thread. I've never cut through a knot because the sharp edge of the razor is perpendicular to the knot. I hope this helps.

Any of the above solutions will work. It is up to you to figure which one is your favorite.

If you are stringing with silk, go with the nail polish or glue. If you are using nylon or other synthetic thread, I prefer to zap it with my thread zapper.

I use those thread clipper thingys that have a very tiny tip to snip extra thread off. They are shaped like a horse shoe and cost about $3--$5 at online stores or B&M bead stores. If you use clear nail polish on the knot first, you should not have trouble with it unraveling. Our full time pro knotter, Bernadette, prefers clear nail polish.

Thread Zapper is a different brand than the one above and I am sure either one is just fine. Thread zapper on WHITE silk threadmay cause some blackening at the knot, so test it before using it. (This per private message-I dont use silk anymore) On nylon etc, it works fine and will melt the tiny end of the thread after it is clipped. The hot point is very tiny and will only melt what it is touching. The melted end is really secure.
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I'm glad I asked, I wasn't aware I shouldn't use the thread zapper on silk thread. I don't have clear nail polish so I'll use a touch of glue. I'll have to remember the tip about putting the thread through a pearl after the final knot and then cutting. At this point, I think I am too late for that. I'll post a picture of the strand and earrings when I have a chance. Thanks again.
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I used a small amount of glue on my knots and feel it is secure. Here are some pictures if you are interested. Thanks again for all the valuable info.


If you are wondering, these are 7-7.5, FW purple pearls. I bought them on a tour of Rang Yai Island in Thailand. I probably over paid, but it was part of the whole pearl farm experience. I was not given any grading info.
They are very pretty. I didn't see anything but professional in your knotting! That smart little dickens, Boo, uses her zapper-thingy to cut apart strands.
Hi Lisamla,
It's beautiful ! Can't wait to see more from you.