Nucleated Freshwaters From China


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I just arrived today from a quick trip to Asia. I was finally able to examine a sizable lot of nucleated freshwater pearls.
Although I am not sure yet of the marketability of nucleated freshwaters, I did buy 2 strands (not to sell, only to photograph, examine, and maybe send one to the GIA to dispell their NO NFWP myth). When I get back into the office I will take a couple of pictures and load them here. Then you will all be able to see the strong visible difference between non-nucleated and nucleated pearls.

I would like to point out that these two strands were of the best they had available, and they claim they are selling very fast. I do see the beauty of the strands, but they were priced $950-ish per Kilo, which I feel is a little high for the look.
I am looking foward to see those pictures. I would be interested to see some of those pearls. Any chance to point out where I could see them in
Asia? China? I am not working during the summer (I am a teacher in an international school), I like to travel and I am very interested in Pearls. Any chance to see them in Zhuji?
Here is the picture of the 2 nucleated freshwater strands. The most popular (top strand) has a long tail. As all of the nucleated strands I saw had a tail, quality and price seems to be based heavily on the shape, but inversely compared to other types of pearls. I am sure this will change when they are able to consistently produce rounds.

These pieces are available in Zhuji. This is where these two strands are from. Try the Xianxiahu market!

Nucleated Freshwater Pearl Strands
The luster is good, especially in the long tails. But I would never consider them high in quality. They are very unique, however.
Thank you for your information. I wanted to post a reply last week, but China is China, internet is not always working . Last week I could see the posting but couldn't reply to it! Let's hope this web site won't become one of those we won't have access for some reason!
I will take a look go this fall at the pearl market in Zhuji. I cannot wait to see the nucleated freshwater strands. I work close enough to this town to drive. But what a crazy town to drive in China!
jshepherd said:
Here is the picture of the 2 nucleated freshwater strands. The most popular (top strand) has a long tail. As all of the nucleated strands I saw had a tail, quality and price seems to be based heavily on the shape, but inversely compared to other types of pearls. I am sure this will change when they are able to consistently produce rounds.

Thanks for posting the photos Jeremy. This summer I was visiting James Peach at his resort in Big Sandy Tennessee and he showed me some nucleated strands he has that has the long tails.
