Now Showing a New Use


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
Here is a bit of a new use for pearls. This pic was just popped off from my workbench (I get the window and view) in the workroom here. The orchid is about 2 years old and has just come into flower again after about 8 months of just leaves. Look closely at the growing medium...

Yes, it is growing in pearls.

We had some not good enough ones kicking around so used them to move the orchid into this glass vase this time last year. It has been sitting in the workroom ever since and just now suddenly burst into flower so it must be happy.
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Wow, the flower must like the calcium. A very pretty growing medium - could start a new trend!
Great idea for the Holidays. I want one!
It was no doubt the medium of pearls that wanted this orchid to show her majestic bloom! :)
pearls for pots

pearls for pots

Now that is a cool idea! Clever, clever, clever! It appeals to the Can't Throw It Away Without Guilt, Recycler in me. Thank you for the idea. I just got some icky pearls and didn't know what to do w them.
You've started Somethin' Good! That old song, with the lyrics-

Something tells me,
I'm into somethin' good...

I wonder if pearls would work for aloe.