not sure what I bought off a nice old lady


New Member
Jan 24, 2018
bought these off a nice old lady and she said they were expensive and never wore them anymore. Just wondering if they are freshwater pearls of good quality. I did some research and think they might be peacock blue pearls but not sure what those are lol. Thank you for any help. I am trying to upload a picture and not sure if it will load after I click submit.


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Hi michael66,

You came to the right place for answers.

The pearls are dyed cultured freshwater pearls from China. The colors and eggy shapes are typical. They are solid nacre; there is no bead inside. The color will not rub off or fade. They are durable.

As to value, these would not be expensive pearls today-- but expensive is relative term; they may have seemed expensive to the woman at the time that she bought them. The cultivation of freshwater pearls in China has advanced quite a lot in recent years, and round freshwater pearls are now available, so eggy shapes are less in demand.

That said, there must have been something that appealed to you about them, right? :)
What are your plans for them?
These are dyed Chinese freshwater pearls. They should not be very expensive.
"Expensive" is a relative term. My mother-in-law thought any piece of jewelry that cost over $40 was expensive. I suspect these pearls may have cost more when the original owner bought them than they would sell for today, for the reasons given above. That said, they are a nice set of pearls with solid nacre, and they will last a long time. Enjoy!!
The necklace and bracelet have matching clasps so the woman who wears them can add the bracelet to the necklace to make it longer. It appears short to me.
I also agree with the comments above. I would also look for markings on the clasp. How nice for your wife to receive such a thoughtful gift.