Newbie who needs some help please

Sandi M

Jan 28, 2008
I will apologise in advance if this is the wrong place to put this. I'm very new to pearls but have always liked them and a little while ago I was given an antique double strand pearl necklace by my elderly aunt. It has been passed down from my grandmother who was given it by her mother I believe. The only things I know for certain are that they are still in the original box (although it is a bit tatty now) which is lined with silk and in the lid it says Miranda Pearls to charm my lady. They are a beautiful cream colour, start small near the marquesite clasp and get larger toward the middle. I don't know what sort of pearls they are and you all seem very knowledgeable so I wondered if you would be able to tell me. I have taken a photo of them but for some reason I can't seem to be able to attach it to my post ( I think it's too big)so I'm not sure if anyone will be able to help.

I now have to get them restrung too as one of the strands has snapped though I still have all the pearls thank goodness.
Hi Sandi,

Miranda pearls were a popular brand of simulated pearls from the 1950s. They were referred to as 'blush pink' and rode on the coattails of cultured pearl popularity.

If the box is original you do have an antique strand, but unfortunately the pearls are not real.
Hi Jeremy

Thanks for replying to my post. I can't say I'm not a little disappointed but at least I know more now than I did previously.

I guess I will just have to make do with my pearl that I got from Sea World in Orlando 3 years ago. I got it from a place where you pay for a diver to go down into a huge tank, he brings up 3 or 4 oysters (or whatever they are) and you pick which you want. I picked just 1 and its a beautiful blue pearl measuring 7mm I think. I had it drilled and put on a gold mount which shows it off really well.

It looks as if this may be my only pearl for a while longer I think or at least till I save up for more lol

Thanks for your time anyway :)
Sandi, if they have sentimental value to you and are lovely, why not restring them and wear them anyway?

Did you know that Jackie Kennedy's famous pearls, and Barbara Bush's pearls, were simulated?

This board is (naturally) strongly biased toward pearls produced by aquatic creatures rather than man-made simulations-- but I have 5 strands of Majorica, also simulated, that I enjoy and wear, in addition to some cultured pearls.
Hi Sandi,

I also want to chime in, don't be a stranger here, you will find you can have genuine beautiful freshwater pearl earrings for under $100 and necklaces, if you want a full strand, for around $100 or sometimes less! (and higher also) The knowledge you gain here will help you make a beautiful and budgetwise purchase! Lovely pearls are now affordable because of freshwaters!

I agree you should have the pearls restrung and enjoy them. Many pearls were not inexpensive back then, and do have great sentimental value. Even women who have the "real thing" often choose to travel with faux pearls, every bit as lovely in their own way.

so many pearls, so little time
Hi Sandi - I just have to confer on this.

Your strand has obviously been much loved - I agree - I would have them restrung (not an expensive process) and wear them with pride! I sell pearls at retail level, mostly freshwaters, but I also sell some simulated shell pearls (also called Majorca, many other names). Women love to wear them, and yes, I often hear them referred to as "travelling" pearls - ie, don't take your expensive ones with you when you travel! Yours sound very special, and worthy of continued wear!

PS - this forum will teach you all you have ever wanted to learn about pearls, and more as well - hope you stay around!
Hi Nerida, Pattye & pearl Dreams,

Thanks for your replies to my post. I'm going to have my pearls restrung as they are lovely and have sentimental value and I'll also enjoy wearing them.
I'm looking on the 'net for the best place to get them restrung now as all the jewellers near me send them away to be restrung and I want to find somewhere that will do them on the premises as the post in our region has been a bit eratic lately and I don't want them going astray in the post!

Meanwhile I'm looking through lots of info on this site to gain a little knowledge :)
Hello Sandy,
I just noticed you're in the U.K. and I've sent you a pivate message.