Newbie Needs Pearl Help! Colored Pearls? Cultured? Shape? Confused!


New Member
Apr 24, 2013
Greetings to all the Pearl Experts! I so appreciate your help in advance, having JUST discovered this Forum! :-)
Lately I've been acquiring what I believe are Baroque Cultured Pearls, but really am unsure WHAT I have!
This post will refer to 2 Station Necklaces. One has small White Pearls, the other are GRAY. Rings can be faintly seen along them. Do they "Dip" Pearls to get this Gray color or are they natural? Are these "Oval" or "Rice" pearls? Freshwater? They seem to be 5mm. You can see how LOST I am! :-) Thank you;) Hope I'm not wasting your time!
Station pearls 003.jpg
Hi Tradersuz

What you have there are cultured freshwater pearls,the white color is natural but the grey would be dyed. Hope that helps!
Hi and thank you for the Quick Rescue! :) Would you mind telling me the significance of the SHAPE? Are these considered "Baroque"? Sorry for more questions! I just am Fascinated with all the Varieties!
I remember the word "rice" being used a lot about 5 years ago but lately they seem to call them ovals, which I think is closer. (Rice reminds me more of the older "rice crispies" FW shapes from the 1980s.) "Baroque" would be more irregular than that.
Thanks again for the quick reply! :) So, my FINAL question, I promise, is; these aren't "Baroque", but "Oval"?
Thank you Kindly for the Lesson!
Some are a bit more barrel-like and some more nearly off-round but overall I would call them oval. Baroque is where they are not symmetrical around any axis.
That was the white ones by the way. The dyed gray ones look like "potato" pearls. A little misshapen, drilled across the short axis rather than the long ones like the ovals.