Newbie here, need help


New Member
Aug 14, 2011
Iv got a necklace of real pearls (they passed the tooth test) and im looking to sell them and was wondering how much $$ i could get? It has a really nice luster, it is 52 inches long with 80 pearls. It has silver/white pearls that are about 9mm in size, and it has pink pearls that are about 5mm in size.


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Can you take a close shot with the macro setting of your camera so we can see them a bit better. It's difficult to see what they are from that shot.
i just want a guess from one of the experts of how much Approximatly i Could earn of this? any guesses would be appreciated :D
It is a bit hard for any of us to say without a closer photo. It would be good to know what the clasp looks like, and what it is made of, too...
It would be also helpful for us to know a little of the strand's story - when, where was it originally purchased?
Recently but it was from Michael hill jewlers i think!, A friend gave it to me. and there is no clasp


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The luster doesn't look as good on the big pearls as the smaller pearls. My guess is someone combined 2 freshwater pearl necklaces, but I can't see clearly enough to tell if that that is true. The pearls are nice but not fantastic.

When you ask about value, there are 2 values. What you can buy it for and what you can sell it for. That necklace possibly could sell on Ebay for $40-50 unless it has a clasp that would make it worth more.

I posted then saw your close ups. those are bead store freshwaters. They are worth about $20 for the big ones and $7 or 8 for the small ones in a bead store, far less wholesale.
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Michael Hill Jewellers and no clasp? That seems a little odd. I concur with Caitlin's assessment above regarding value. It doesn't say that it isn't a pretty necklace, just not a particularly valuable one. I say just wear it and enjoy it!