New (to us) Deco Mikimoto Bracelet


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2019
We just got the delivery of this bracelet this afternoon. Am I correct classifying it as Deco? There is some wear on the Sapphires but overall, with a re-string it will be really pretty! We have a few things we'd like some guidance on. The first is how we can shorten it to match the length of the other bracelet pictured as that is perfect for my wife's small wrist. The pearls are basically 7mm each and we need to shed the equivalent of 2.5 pearls. Should we knot each pearl or just the ones done now (the 3 on each end and the clasp side of each spacer)? My wife seems to think she can do the re-string but I'm of the thought that this shouldn't be a first project. What would you all recommend? If she does it what thread would you recommend and what size/color wire should she use on the ends?
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I only say Deco as I've seen lots of pieces from that era set with these types of Sapphires. The wear on the faces of most of the stones indicates a long life as well.
Why don't you restring but leave off one pearl on either side of the clasp?
The other option is to remove 3 pearls and one spacer bar, and add knots between all the pearls.
You'll never know until you try.
I only say Deco as I've seen lots of pieces from that era set with these types of Sapphires. The wear on the faces of most of the stones indicates a long life as well.
It is hard to say-- it could be deco-like. It does look similar to styles I saw in the 80's, also. One way to tell would be to have the sapphires tested. Usually sapphires of the true deco period were synthetic. I agree with BWeaves. I would remove one pearl from each side of the clasp. I would not knot between every pearl. I also have a vintage Mikimoto double strand bracelet that I bought in the 80's and it is not knotted between pearls. I personally think you might want to have these done by a jeweler as learning on a double piece to knot may be a challenge.
Well upon further consideration she says she feel that she has enough confidence to attempt the re-string and if failure ensues it'll go to the jeweler. We'll see how it goes. In the end she thinks the present length will work as it won't be an "everyday wear" piece. I was able to look at the stones with my jeweler's microscope and I THINK I see striations indicating fusion grown stones. Confirmation will eventually come from a pro (regardless of who strings it). Here it is on her wrist as is...

It's very pretty ! I'd think it wouldn't be too difficult to shorten. If you remove the final pearls from each end for around 16 mm ( including knots ) or the final two that's about 28-30 mm (including knots ) . That at least keeps the 3 pearl / spacer pattern for the majority of the bracelet .

I'd string them up to get an idea as to the length and remove the pearls till you are close to what you want. If there are no knots in the current bracelet just remember that if you want knots it will. 1. change the look unless they are very small and 2 add length .. about 1mm per knot. So you might need to try it out for a couple of inches and see if you like the look. You could alway just knot at the spacer if you want them to look tight. Just a thought. You need to play around with it a bit.
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I wouldn't be surprised if these were synthetic sapphires. They were very popular 100 years ago.

And I don't think the bracelet is too big at all. It's just looser than the other one.