New Shanghai Loot


Nov 23, 2016
New to Pearl Guide. I have lurked and learned for a while and wanted to post a couple of new things I just got. While I have not graduated to the big budget level yet, I am very much enjoying the pearls at my budget level and trying to make my pearl dollar count! I just got back from a quick trip to Shanghai - if 28 hours round trip in an airplane can be described as quick, lol!- with my husband and daughter. Traveling that far just to pearl shop is true dedication! Lol! DH is a pilot so he was working. Our layover was about 50 hours.
Shanghai is an amazing city! I was amazed at how immense it is. The city just goes on forever. Highly encourage everyone to go. Pearl Tower was lots of fun, and no, I could not walk out onto the glass floor! Too chicken! Now onto the good stuff-

pearls shanghai.jpg

A strand of purpley gray round with little earrings to match, a strand of knobbly edisons, a nice jade bangle, and not pictured- a ring and necklace for my daughter. Total paid- after some stiff negotiations and moves to leave- less than a nice bottle of perfume from duty free, and less than 1/3 of initial asking price. I still think we paid too much, lol! We shopped at the Pearl Market at the Science and Technology subway stop. There was probably a couple dozen shops there to choose from, plenty to keep me happy, but if one wants a greater selection there is a larger market further out of the city center. All in all, I am very happy with my new pretties.

If anyone has stories of their Chinese shopping adventures, I would love to hear!

Apologies for the huge photos- not sure how to reduce them.
OOO, gorgeous. We require neck shots. It's a rule (that I just made up).
Pearls just look better next to skin. I like them both.
You look absolutely gorgeous and your attempts at photography were better out of the gate than my month's of agonizing over pictures. Nicely done and you look gorgeous!
Thanks Hanadama and Pearl Dreams! Those are my favorites. I didn't intend to buy all those pieces, but, as always , with shopping in Beijing or Shanghai, there is no "just looking". If you try it on, you are gonna end up buying it. The only question is the price. Those girls know how to sell.
Thank you! I will need to practice my pearl photography on the rest of my pearl stash :D
Welcome to PG. Thanks for sharing your wonderful loot. I hope more to come from you.