New Report by NOAA on Coral Reef Ecosystems

J Marcus

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
This report, dated July 7, 2008, titled "The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008" states that Nearly half of U.S. coral reef ecosystems are considered to be in "poor" or "fair" condition according to a new NOAA analysis of the health of coral reefs under U.S. jurisdiction.
sad but not really surprising, coral reefs are taking a pounding all over the world. I spend a lot of time in Belize which has the 2nd largest barrier reef in the world. Every year that poor reef looks worse and worse and it's nearly completely protected by park.
Somewhat off thread but prompted by thoughts of coral reefs and seahorses. I did not know until I read this last year that there are seahorses around the UK. I always thought they needed warm coral reef sort of environment not our rough and chilly seas - but no..and the colonies are improving -see
What's actually causing most of the damage?

In Belize my understanding is its mostly man that is causing the damage. These corals are just so fragile, damage can come from a diver brushing up against a coral head or even sunscreen from snorkelers is damaging. Then of course you have pollution from outboard engines, fertilizer runoff ect.

Its pretty sad to see the reef change in just the short time I've been visiting Belize.