Need info

Hi Cassie and Welcome,

We would need more info also to make an Educated Guess!

1. Larger more detailed photo, or photos please

2. What size are the pearls, or how many pearls are on the strand?

3. What length is the strand?

4. Where did they come from, what do you know about the history?

A gentle reminder, this is not Pearl Psychic Hotline!;)

so many pearls, so little time
another pic

another pic


Each pearl is 1/2 cm
there is 61 pearls on this strand
the strand is 48 cm
the only history I know on it is it has been in my pession for 15 years my grandmother gave it to me with alot of custom jewlery
I can't see that many options with that color - if they were relatively new, I would have said 'freshwater'. Old... I'd guess they are costume jewelry as well, not real pearls.

Perhaps there are other options for a strand of well matched, round, 5mm golden pearls, but the options I can think of are very exotic, quite valuable, rare and altogether terribly unlikely.

Now, please take into account that I'm no expert and all the data I have about the pearls is approximate age, shape and size and a guesstimate of yellowish 'golden' color. I really doubt that any professional jewelry appraisal would give a professional opinion based on this little. One can always guess though.

My 2c
Hi again Cassie,

Thanks much for the additional information. Look closely at all the pearls, if you have a magnifying glass it will help. Is there any place near the knots that the top layer is peeling or flaking so you can see a white bead underneath? Do you notice any flaws, such as small pits or extra nacre on the pearl?

I agree with Valeria that they are most likely glass pearls, which were highly valued by women during the 40's-70's and worn "for good," special occasions, etc.

If you took them to a jewelry store in your area that sells genuine pearls, they probably would just take a quick look at them for no charge and tell you if they are glass pearls or not. Let us know what you find out!

so many pearls, so little time

if these pearls are glass pearls they should be quite heavy.
The surfaces seem to have blemishes, at least that is what I see when taking a closer look.
crazyme74 said:

just need basic info as in type and value
thank you cassie

Remember that value includes sentimental value! Even if they are costume jewelry, if they were worn and enjoyed by someone you love, they have value for you.

My father-in-law gave a strand of pearls to my mother-in-law, who wore them for years with great pride. They always thought the pearls were cultured.

Only when he passed away this year and we had to deal with the estate did we discover the pearls were imitation. They were made by a company called Prestige. They had yellowed, as yours have (though not as deep a yellow as yours appear-- did you photograph them under a tungsten light bulb? That would make them look yellower.)
did you photograph them under a tungsten light bulb? That would make them look yellower.)

These pictures was taken while in the sun


Okay you guys are really helpful 1- the strand of pearls are heavy and 2- I can peel some piant off and it was glass or white or whatever but it does tell what I wanted to know THANK YOU ALL