Need help


Aug 16, 2020
I don’t know about this
This is a pearl, cassis cornuta or melo pearl
Please identify for me

Thanks you
Even though it's close, there aren't enough details visible at this size to tell what type of pearl, or to verify if they are pearls because the camera is focused on the background. If you are using a cell phone, try tapping one of the pearls to focus on it and take the photo on white paper or a paper towel so the color will be easier to see. In the top photo, the color and surface are more typically cassis, but could be melo. In the bottom photo, there appears to be more of an orange color. There is some crossover in colors with cassis and melo.
I'm wondering if it might be coral. Is there a laquer type finish or is that shine natural?
I don't see any flame in either pearl. Can you see a flame pattern in person?
Sorry for late

I'm not sure but shine look natural and I can see a little pattern but not sure flame look like a ivory pattern
and may be produce in 70-80's if from a local market form Japan

Thanks you so much for help
your sincerelyหอย2 008-pearls.jpg