Need Help with Pearls


New Member
Jun 8, 2015

I was given a set of pearls one year for my birthday. The pearls did not come in a box my friend basically handed them to me . It wasn't till years later that someone brought it to my attention that they were real and valuable. I have not been able to find out what type pearls they are and what the true value is. Could someone please be kind enough to help me
out with this. I have pictures of the pearls on my profile page if by chance they do attach correctly.

Thank You
ksneedfa pearl6.jpgpearl5.jpg
They appear to be Chinese freshwater pearls in the 8 mm range, either 7-8 mm or 8-9 mm depending upon the length (based on the number of pearls in the strand).
Welcome to P-G. Your pearls have good luster and appear off round, so they would be cultured freshwater pearls. It's always great to have a karat gold clasp. You didn't mention the mm size of the pearls, or how long the necklace is. From a photo like this there is no way to see what blemishes there are. It is difficult to give a true value, but pearls like these are common these days and likely worth less than $200. These pearls would be all nacre without a bead inside, so wear and enjoy them!