Need advice on design


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2013
So I am new to pearls. I have bought a pair of Edisons from pearl paradise (they are brilliant, by the way). Brady of PP says this pair is between 15 mm to 16 mm.

They have to be rings or earrings. At the moment, I am leaning towards the idea of earrings. These are the designs I am looking at:


Or this one:

Pearl earrings design 2.jpg

Instead of diamonds, I want to use pink sapphire marquis. `14K rose gold.

Would these huge 15 to 16 mm pearls be just too heavy? Of course like every other woman, I like them big. But there is so much ears can take. Please let me know if my wish is logical, or I should just scrap the idea and go for setting these two pearls as rings.

I don't have a picture of the pearls - they are good FWP Edisons. They cannot be drops because of a blemish.

Thank you in advance.
Eileen!!! Wwwoooooo those are beautiful design settings!!!

I think to begin with it depends on your own weight bearing capacity and preference for earrings vs rings? Exp a lot of ladies on this site have limited neck weight bearing but I can layer unlimited number of ropes onto my neck, but my earlobe can not handle very much. You should try a few things out to see where your comfort level stand. Also a lot of ladies here recommend Lobe Wonders to help support heavy earrings.

Personally, I don't know if these earrings are simple stud earrings, or have other kind of mechanism? Example I have earrings that have a spring type of closure in a big upside down U the "encloses" the post and I find those to allow me to wear heavier earrings.

And do you tend to wear one type of jewelry more than another? I'm a total ring person, so for me, the item gets a lot more wear as a ring.
My earlobes can only take 12mm pearls max, bigger than that it's too heavy and my earlobes fall down to the floor. I'd opt to have them set as rings.

I wear a lot of rings. But Cees is doing two SSP rings for me. So these must be earrings. I think I may have been too greedy with size here. Haha.
15-16 mm is HUGE. What if you just have them set as studs and wear them "plain" for a week or two and see if your ear can take the weight? You'll also know how they "sit" on your ear. That may let you know where and how many sapphires you want. There's no point in getting them made and then having them droop so the stones don't show.

There was a setting a couple of years ago where the big round pearl sat under the earlobe, and the earring wire went up and through the hole. So not drops, but not studs either. Sort of like the pearl was the bottom of a huggie.

P.S. I really like the first design a lot.
15-16 mm is HUGE. What if you just have them set as studs and wear them "plain" for a week or two and see if your ear can take the weight? You'll also know how they "sit" on your ear. That may let you know where and how many sapphires you want. There's no point in getting them made and then having them droop so the stones don't show.

There was a setting a couple of years ago where the big round pearl sat under the earlobe, and the earring wire went up and through the hole. So not drops, but not studs either. Sort of like the pearl was the bottom of a huggie.

P.S. I really like the first design a lot.

Oh, I am going to try and look for that setting. Big round pearl under earlobe sounds good. I don't really want studs but these cannot be drops. Must look for it. Thanks for the tip.
BWeaves I believe that was a Dior setting that was (and still is) made popular by Emma Watson on a red carpet appearance. ETA: Oh, wait are you talking about this one? Shot 2017-10-03 at 5.21.48 PM.jpg

I love the idea of the pink sapphire mountings for a pair of earrings, and I prefer the first option. I would imagine this type of large setting would require an omega back to stabilize it properly.
I see those with omega-style backing.. like the clips, but with the pierce? Don't know how they are called correctly :)

They wouldn't be everyday earrings, but could still be wearable I think.. You might want some some helpful little things with them like the lobe wonder or similar..
I would get the pearls in and place them at the ear to see just how large they are prior to having this built around them. These setting would add many MM to the ultimate size of the pearl on the ear which are HUGE anyway. I wear 12mm studs and they are about as large as I go. Dangles on the other hand seem to work better for me with even larger sizes.
They seem to be huge for ears, but if you can bear the weight, why not? :p I'd throw a curve ball and suggest stackable bangles. Or a bangle, pendant/enhancer and ring. Something that maximizes the use of such lovely biggies. :)

Side question to the senior "pearlies" here: are Edison lighter than ssps? (and another one, any nicknames for PG members in general? sea magpies? pearl people? mermaids? :p )
Or you can have your Edisons set like this with pink sapphire.
Thank you. I think omega backs with the studs would work. And I love that last design. So now it is a toss up between last design which Pareljte pulled out or the first one that BWeaves likes

I wanted to show you another set of pearls which I wear sometimes for 3 to 4 hours. These are not everyday pearl earrings. I have a love hate relationship with this pair - long story involving a bad UK jeweller (I find I receive better and finer work from my current Thai jeweller. And I think Cees uses a very good one too - show you his ring when it is ready). If you look closely you will understand why....wrong sapphires, for starters, and spilled glue and the list goes on. So for this pair with PP, I want to get it right.


I love the moonstones though. I am having another pair set with moonstones and rubies...later on.
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Also, I found the omega backs. Can you see this picture? The pearl is sort of sitting lower down. I think this is a good idea for huge pearl earrings.

U-Backs for big earrings.jpg

Maybe have this backing with the first design. Let me go and look some more. I do like the look of the last design by Pareljte
For omega backing, I think this type suits better for big pearls. It's wide and supports your entire earlobe. 1292924073.jpg
Oh EileenK maybe the earrings in your pic were taken from a different angle, not showing the wide back. But I understand it's the same omega back. Love the moonstones and the lustrous fireballs, you're lucky your earlobes can handle those earrings.
Oh EileenK maybe the earrings in your pic were taken from a different angle, not showing the wide back. But I understand it's the same omega back. Love the moonstones and the lustrous fireballs, you're lucky your earlobes can handle those earrings.

These ones with fireballs did not have omega backs. I did tell the jeweller but at that time, I did not know the term for it. I simply showed him a picture. He said no problems and then messed up on the job.....which is why every time I bring out these earrings, I am so cross and so sorry and then I love the moonstones and how the rest of the pearl still looks good and I am happy so these earrings sort of make me go on a merry-go-round ride with emotions :(

It reminds me of how I must get all subsequent settings right.
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