natural pearl dealer of 1920's


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2007

i hope this works
I just found the email from you Norm! Here is the paragraph about him..
this man was WL Gardner from Le Claire Iowa, near Davenport, Iowa, passed away in 1925. He was a major dealer. Sold to China, India, Paris, and London. As far as we know he has a grandson still living. He is still part of our research. We have a picture with quite a few dealers in it and plan on doing a book about the dealers. I met and introduced my self to the great grandson of a dealer from Lansing, Iowa. You'll need a good map to see these towns. Remember we are so accustomed to riding 25 minutes to the next town, in that era it was a big deal.. I have a couple reproduced photos of this copy attached. You can easily see the good ones are on the perimeter and a few have been paired up.
That's very interesting, thanks for posting the photo. And thanks, Caitlin, for the paragraph. It was a different world then, eh? :cool: