My prize for passing the GIA pearl course!


Community member
Jun 18, 2013
It's finally arrived! Just as lovely as I had 10k gold. It's an American piece. Natural pearls, but no idea where from...I had thought they might be FW? They each measure 7-8mm in length and are slightly flat backed. What d'you think of it? image.jpgimage.jpg
That's really pretty! Do you know what the metal is, and how old the piece is?
Gorgeous! Yes, they will be freshwater I am sure, and probably from the Mississippi..
Nice way to be rewarded!
Really lovely, I especially like the oak leaves! The pearls don't ring as American river pearls to me though... Enjoy wearing it! Neck shot or it didn't happen!
If that is what they give out for finishing I am signing up tomorrow :D Congratulations and love the new piece.
What a lovely prize!! I'm sure you're enjoying them and well deserved! I am thinking about doing the GIA Pearl Course as well. Any words of wisdom or lessons learned you'd be willing to share?