My new earrings!!


New Member
Feb 16, 2008
I just had to share these earrings since you all have contributed to my growing fascination/ addiction :eek: to pearls. The large lavender
tear drops are from PP :11-12 by about 16. Lovely!!! They are are on white gold hoops. I also got silver aqua tahitian drops for the hoops. Hmm. I could put anything on those....better get shopping again :cool:
Also 9-10 white freshadama dangles. My mom just saw those and she wants some... I guess for Mother's day. She deserves it.
Lastly are TPO lavender 6 by 8 dainty and perfect for every day! <sigh>
I think I may have a problem here. When I receive an order I am elated; but almost immediately I plan my next purchase. I need (not want) lavender strand NOW... Does anyone else here do that????

pearl paradise drop earringspearl paradise drop earringsfreshadama dangle earringslavender drops, freshadama dangles, TPO dainty earrings, aqua drop Tahitianslavender drops, freshadama dangles, TPO dainty earrings, aqua drop Tahitians (PP)
Oooh, pretty, pretty, pretty earrings! I love the versatility of simple pearl dangles - you can wear them any time, with anything, dressy or casual. Such beautiful colors.

And yes, I fear I too find that as soon as I buy some pearls, I feel the need for more, more, MORE!!!

Have my eye on an amazing 17.6mm round blue Tahitian pendant...will post photos if I get it.

It's a disease, but it sure is fun!

Oh, yes, I want more too... but being able to bead helps. It's satisfying to make the jewelry, and if I ever get tired of one piece, I can take it apart and redo it-- it's just like getting something new. :)
Oh, yes, I want more too... but being able to bead helps. It's satisfying to make the jewelry, and if I ever get tired of one piece, I can take it apart and redo it-- it's just like getting something new. :)

Maybe you can help me. I want to try my hand at being a lowly beader too.
I have worked with silver before, bezels, rings etc. But never wire with pearls. What gauge sterling should I order to fit through the pearls drill holes? Would hate to order unusable wire...Or is argentum coated a better choice?
Thanks to anyone who answers.
You have a very nice collection of earrings. I really like the changable pearls with hoops. I'd like something like that in my future too :)

Oh and I have the same thing going on as far as wanting something else right after I get a new item of jewelry. I'm not sure it ever ends!
oooo I love your earring collection!
I'm inspired by your interchangeables!

I too need (not want!) all sorts of pearl beauties right now--:cool: heh heh
Maybe you can help me. I want to try my hand at being a lowly beader too.
I have worked with silver before, bezels, rings etc. But never wire with pearls. What gauge sterling should I order to fit through the pearls drill holes? Would hate to order unusable wire...Or is argentum coated a better choice?
Thanks to anyone who answers.

Welcome, future lowly beader! ;) For necklaces, if you don't want use thread and knots, softflex works well, using crimp beads on the ends. It comes in different thicknesses; the finer ones work well with most pearls, and are plenty strong. For wirework (making earring dangles, etc.), I've found that 24 guage works with most pearls.

Good luck, and happy beading!

Hi Robinmce,

I have been using mostly beadalon size .018. (in 19 or 49 strands) It seems to fit all but the smallest pearls. Also tornedo crimps. They are ridged on the inside and have a twist design on the outside, so only have to smash flat with pliers.!! Seem to hold real good. Blaire uses them also. Just go for it!!

I always have a case of the "wanties." It only subsides slightly for a little while. Helps to get out my favorite pearls and look at them and wear them. Luckily there are beautiful pearls now that don't cost a fortune, for that I am immensely grateful. And for all those who make pearls available at less than retail price-----so we can have more and more and more-------:D

so many pearls, so little time

p.s. Love the interchangeable earrings!!
Maybe you can help me. I want to try my hand at being a lowly beader too.
I have worked with silver before, bezels, rings etc. But never wire with pearls. What gauge sterling should I order to fit through the pearls drill holes? Would hate to order unusable wire...Or is argentum coated a better choice?
Thanks to anyone who answers.
I use gauge 26 for small pearls (6mm and less) and 24 for bigger ones - but again- it depends what else I use (silver chain, ear hooks ect..) Also, lately I use sterling only for Tahitian pearls. They look well "in" oxidized silver. FW, I set in argentium. Stays nice & shiny longer...
I use 24 gauge sterling or gold filled head pins or wire for pearl dangles. So far I haven't encountered any pearls for which this gauge was too small.
What are the green/silver looking drop pearls on the right?
My guess would be tahitian?
My oh my those are striking. :)
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What are the green/silver looking drop pearls on the right?
My guess would be tahitian?
My oh my those are striking. :)

Those are Tahitian.. I also ordered a pendant to match!... <Just turned to look in mirror and admire both>.. I need a bracelet so I can admire them!!
Thank you for all your suggestions and encouragement. I now have an order in at Artbeads for .018 beadalon, tornedo crimps, 24 gauge sterling and other assorted odds and ends. WOW :eek: It is easy to spend $$$$$$ there too!!
Yes, I am always dismayed at the cost of findings.

But on a positive note, when I redo a necklace, bracelet or earrings, I reuse the findings! :D


Hi Robinmce,
Lovely pearls! The Tahitian drops are nice...quite different from most that I've seen.

What is the diameter of the hoops? Thanks.
What are the green/silver looking drop pearls on the right?
My guess would be tahitian?
My oh my those are striking. :)

I can't resist a photo of the earrings and pendant together. So here it is

Hanaleimom, the earrings are 14 k 3/4 inch from pearl paradise.

special Tahitian pearls from Pearl Paradise, pendant and earrings
special Tahitian pearls from Pearl Paradise, pendant and earrings
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