My BIG Baroques


Pearl Designer & Collector
Jan 25, 2007
This is the photo I bought these from and the colour isn't right. They are more of a creamy white, look pink/apricot in the photo. They came out from Germany apparently many years ago. The clasp is a big silver beauty with pearl and marquasites. When they arrived (about a year ago) I walked around ohhing and ahhing for ages. I just couldn't believe my luck. I really love them. They are close to round and big. Better go measure them too. Around 10 mms or more I think. Picked them up dirt cheap and I love them. My favourites I think.



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Big, Long Strand of Baroques

Big, Long Strand of Baroques

Also bought these some while back and was also very happy when I saw them. They are a very long strand and big 9 to 10 mm. Lovely colours and in great condition. No clasp on these. These are also the photos I bought them from. So the arm/hand is not mind. Must take some of my own photos of my pearls. All of them. :D



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Are they FW or Akoya? I saw some strongly rose overtone baroques with great shine and was quite tempted.
Hi airdancer,

I am sure the second strand is Akoya and although it is basically white it does have overtones that shimmer and shine thru.

The First strand is suppose is akoya but I don't know. I will have my camera working again in 24 hours or so and I will take some better photos of it. The pearls in the first photo are truly stunning but the photo doesn't show them properly at all. The woman I bought them from had a ring with an even larger about 12 mm matching pearl, set in gold and diamonds. I suppose the owner cut back on the clasp on this necklace to lash out on the ring. But she wanted an arm and a leg for the ring and these I picked up very reasonable. I suppose because they were set in silver with marquasites she had downgraded them in her mind. Her mother-in-law brought them back from Germany. They used to travel the world so I guess they had money :) The seller didn't seem to know a lot about pearls and put much more stock by the ring because of the gold and diamonds. I was just very happy to the necklace.

Will post more photos of it when I get my camera going. Exact sizes etc. But I think it is one of my very favourites, amongst my top 6 anyway.
