If you have never met Betty Sue King, you are missing an engaging experience. Betty Sue King, affectionately titled The Pearl Goddess, is the owner of King's Ransom Pearls and she has a remarkable eye for color, quality and the unusual in pearls. She is a member of the American Gem Trade Association and has served on the board of directors for many years. King's Ransom can be found at the AGTA shows in Tucson and Las Vegas and at the SNAG show (Society of North American Goldsmiths).

Take, for instance, these glowing freshwater metallic pearls in the current popular colors. They have an irresistible depth to their lustrous nacre.

And here is The Goddess, inspecting tools at the Paspaley pearling operations in Darwin, Australia on the 2007 GIA Alumni Pearl Tour to Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia.
Blaire Beavers
We have yet to figure out how to activate comments, so I am adding some comments from the thread on the forum:
"I always look forward to seeing Betty Sue. I always learn lots about pearls and she is an amazingly lovely and generous person too."
"Betty Sue is certainly very nice ! She saw me at the HK fair last year from half way across the hall and came over to say 'hi' .. I was agonizing over 6 strands trying to decide which 1 I should buy. I had poured over them for 10 min and as she walked up and chatted with me while I turned them over and over. I explained my dilemma ... she took one look and pointed "That one!" . Then she looked at 2 strands of white and gold SS that I'd passed on .. confirmed that I didn't want them (read here could not afford them on top of the Tahitians I'd just committed to buy ) and said "that one" . Afterwards she held it up and pointed to one huge round white pearl...'that's why I bought it..that pearl will sell the whole strand' ... then..like the Lone Ranger...she was ... AWAY !!"

Take, for instance, these glowing freshwater metallic pearls in the current popular colors. They have an irresistible depth to their lustrous nacre.

And here is The Goddess, inspecting tools at the Paspaley pearling operations in Darwin, Australia on the 2007 GIA Alumni Pearl Tour to Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia.
Blaire Beavers
We have yet to figure out how to activate comments, so I am adding some comments from the thread on the forum:
"I always look forward to seeing Betty Sue. I always learn lots about pearls and she is an amazingly lovely and generous person too."
"Betty Sue is certainly very nice ! She saw me at the HK fair last year from half way across the hall and came over to say 'hi' .. I was agonizing over 6 strands trying to decide which 1 I should buy. I had poured over them for 10 min and as she walked up and chatted with me while I turned them over and over. I explained my dilemma ... she took one look and pointed "That one!" . Then she looked at 2 strands of white and gold SS that I'd passed on .. confirmed that I didn't want them (read here could not afford them on top of the Tahitians I'd just committed to buy ) and said "that one" . Afterwards she held it up and pointed to one huge round white pearl...'that's why I bought it..that pearl will sell the whole strand' ... then..like the Lone Ranger...she was ... AWAY !!"