Mmmmmm,just wanna know!


Aug 7, 2012
Hello everybody!
This is my very first post here,and I'm so happy to find here and join such a friendly community that is open to everybody!
I'm desperate pearl lover,and just so eager to know about pearls more and more ,whenever I get a chance ,I read about them and learn a lot of great things I didn't know before,pearls are not so big,but they have a big big world!
Some thing cannot be understood from photos,specially when it comes to pearls,
I searched in the internet and saw these breath taking treasures with :rolleyes:prices!

(I removed the links for advertising issues,but prices were all above50,000$!)

Well, I can't find such pearls around,even in the most luxurious jewelry stores that sell extremely beautiful platinum and gold jewelries with very high prices like these pearls,it's almost impossible to find such pearls,but my curiosity doesn't leave me alone.I'm just so eager to know how they look and feel when you see them in real not in photos!
Could you please tell me how different they are from 1000$ and 2000$ pearls,if you want to make a comparison what would you say?I mean their luster,the thickness of nacre,their surface,their roundness perfectness ,their color tone and such details.
Thanks! :)
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Who is Unique Pearl? The ones from AP look very overpriced to be selling through Amazon!

Do you just want to drool, or do you have a plan and a budget?

While those prices are all over the top, you will not find anything like them for 1-2k except some high quality akoyas.
65000$ for the golden strand with no clear information about it..

Caitlin, very overpriced is a bit of an understatement!


it always depends what your are after; size of the pearls, color, luster, shape, grade and of course what kind of pearls, like South Sea or Akoya's etc..

There is no simple answer to your question as such

Personally I would never buy pearls through Amazon. I would go to a reputable dealer, preferably one recommended on this site, and make sure they had a good return policy. As far as I know there are fees for the seller connected with Amazon so pearls are almost bound to be overprized compared to the high-volume on-line sellers.

Reading your description the thought comes to me that maybe you are posting here to advertice this particular seller? Perhaps you are the seller. There are plenty of sellers of pearls on this forum, and you are most welcome but people tend to enjoy their time here more, when they share actual knowledge of pearls rather than advertice.

- Karin
@karin:no dear ,I'm not a seller or advertising them.I can't buy them even in my dreams!
I'm just very very curious to know the difference between these pearls and a 1000 akoya or a high quality freshwater.
I really love to be able to touch such a pearl and look at it closely but right now it's impossible for question is very simple:Has anybody ever senn and touched such a pearl closely ,I just wanna know about those 'must be' significant and visible differences between such breath taking-ly priced pearls and cheaper pearls,What are these differences? Nacre thickness?luster?color and its tone?just wanna know,Could somebuddy please explain it to me?I'm quite confused,while they have such prices there must be some difference beside size.
And I remove the links ,
I'm waiting for my second post to be displayed!
anyway,I wanna know about the visible differences between these pearls and a 1000$ strand!

You would probably be surprised at how little difference there would be in the two strands compared in person, side by side.

Extremely large, perfectly round (as a pearl can be) with no blemish, MATCHING almost perfectly in a whole strand~these factors can make a huge difference in price, even allowing the seller to think he might obtain the sky high asking price. Of course, as Sven sez, it allows the seller to offer the interested customer a huge markdown to lure the sale. It sometimes takes many harvests and years to make a matching strand of extremely large size.

Color could make a difference, if rare, such as deep gold, unusual shade of Tahitian, etc.

LUSTER now here's where the less expensive strand could possibly win out~for many of us, the first thing we value is luster. The larger pearls from 2nd and 3rd harvests, often have lower luster.
Thanks a lot Pattye,wish some day I'll just see something like what you mentioned with my eyes!:)
Hi Romia,

You've come to the right place. We all would love to touch high grade pearls :D Some lucky people here own such treasures and share their pictures. Other members deal in pearls and also often kind enough to share pictures. There is so much knowledge here. Just start reading - and have fun! Only, don't expect to want pearls any less. We all want more pearls the more we know :)

- Karin
Thanks a lot dear my Karin!:) :)
Here is the biggest ocean of pearl info with nice and caring friends!:):)
the more i see the more i understand there is just much so much that i must learn about pearls.
thank you all.:)
I have one question,is luster the most reason for such a high high prices or the thickness of that nacre is much more than other pearls?