Mikimoto Pearls


New Member
Mar 10, 2019
Hi everyone, I've had these set of pearls for a long time now and I am wondering what year and what the rough worth would be. I have been told they are circa 1930-40's. I am not sure. They are 19inch graduated, Still in amazing condition. The clasp is sterling silver and in very good condition. the box is mark and damage free to.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi vinchenz,

Value isn't just one thing. There's replacement value for insurance purposes (for which you should obtain an appraisal), there's resale value (which is lower), and there's sentimental value, which only you can determine.
(There's also historic value but these are not historically significant pearls.)

If you are considering selling the pearls, I suggest you look at what similar items have sold for at auction. Not what they are listed for, but what they have actually sold for. You can easily do a search on eBay for sold, pre-owned Mikimoto pearl necklaces.
For example: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fr...Condition=3000&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_TitleDesc=0

Pearls do not tend to hold their value on resale, because of how easily they are affected by skin oils, cosmetics, pollution, as well as poor storage conditions. This is because they are so soft.

That said, Mikimoto pearls will tend to hold value better then generic pearls, because of the desirability of the brand name. It would also help if you had paperwork for the pearls, as clasps can be replaced and anything can be placed in any box.
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Vinchenz, welcome to the forum and thank you for sharing photos of your pearls! That is a great length @19 inches. You've also added to our knowledge of Miki clasps; I don't recall we've seen that design before.
another place to check for comparative value is RubyLane.com. You will find a selection of listed and sold Mikimoto items.
Silver clasps in general are older Mikis and don't command the prices the newer 18k clasps get. However, if there are diamonds or any unique marks on the clasp, they can get pricey. Of course, the pearls need to be in very good condition too. Your pearls look to be nice, but it is hard to tell from your photos. Read up on how to take photos of pearls in case you're interested in selling them. Having a box and any papers to go with your strand will help too. And if the strand has never been restrung, be careful not to break it. Old silk can get very delicate.