Metallic Goldens - GSSPs or Golden Akoyas?

You can get around the orient by submerging the pearls in water and then photographing. I'm using natural light, indoors

I submerged the pearls in a bowl of water and here are the results I got:

Indoors - the studs seem of same color but I think the orient and luster became more pronounced in all the pearls. The golden FWP in the strand seem to be more golden submerged but I see a hint of pink/peach (?) body color? They look similar to the high orient studs?



This is how the pearls registered in direct sunlight submerged in water:


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Wow, that is interesting! I think your FWP didn't alter as much as mine did under water, but it does resemble the high orient studs when under the water. (I especially love the colors we see in the FWP that is directly to the left of the bronze/gold pearl.)

Now if only we had some known-golden akoyas to photograph under water....

Does anyone have some golden akoyas they would be willing to submerge in water and photograph?
I love those pearls and am learning something in this thread. Thanks!

Also I forgot all about E Unio Plurum .
Love that you are using it!!
Ooh, I have golden akoya but I don't dare submerge them for fear of messing with the silk thread. Sorry, guys...