Medical Prototype

Could you do something with teeth?
Wonder if there would be a rejection rate like with organ transplants?
Guess we gotta figure out how to do it first.
I wonder if this is the kind of data that does / should support pearl identification after all.

Looked into this kind of research when orient and the ID of nautilus pearls came up here... There seems to be a whole lot of data: more of nacre structure then functional histology (those 'flame' patterns on pearls! :) - ever wondered how?), but even less could be enough for whatever gemology use. Apparently, none of it has been used in relation with pearls as yet. And these references are not quoted by gemology journals - most likely for lack of demand, methinks :o. That recent work by GIA Thailand is a first...

(disclaimer: this was one casual investigation - may have missed more then a few things)
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As a duly sworn NCN such studies have also been long on my search list, and I had archived this one, which is somewhat easier to read than the Planck-derived verbiage. But they do hold in common this phraseology:

crystallographic orientation (Planck)
crystal orientations (Physical Review)

(Of which, I find the former to be temptingly tongue-caressing lingo for impressing friends at cocktail parties with pseudo-pearl knowledge!)
Yeah! Same symptoms, I guess ;) ...

The article you brought up end with:

"According to the new data, "the intrinsic properties of crystal growth aren't what's driving [the architecture]," says Adam Hitchcock of McMaster University in Canada. "Biology has a major role to play."

That biology part was what drew me in. It seems to be the latest part of the story, with some crazy implications for systematics (i.e. what some massive data applications in biology deal with, and that was the touch-point for me / otherwise the stuff seems to be a hell of a conversation stopper! :o )

'Bet that the authors of those data-sets and studies could also drop the lingo - given a reason...
I wonder if this is the kind of data that does / should support pearl identification after all.

Interesting, interesting question! But I think you're right, money outweighs demand.
How's my toothy orient?:D