Manchester Market


purveyor of pearls UK/EU
Aug 18, 2007
Well, I finally have the opportunity to post a long note about my five weeks in the Manchester Christmas Market selling shed (or chalet as the city council calls it) (

The first thing to note is that it is indeed outside in the cold of an english winter so I wore so many layers that I could hardly move. Two pairs of thermal long johns when it was icy.

I had been put in one of the top positions of the whole city centre markets scheme, outside the Royal Exchange Theatre. This is the site of the original market which has grown to five locations, so it is the market that tends to be the one which many head for first, although the one outside the town hall tends to get lots of footfall. Exchange street is close to Harvey Nichols, Vuitton and other such classy shops so while there is not so much footfall those who came tended to look and often were pearl knowledgeable

Yes it was incredibly hard work, with ten hour days plus having to dash back to HQ (100 mile round trip) to keep up with internet orders every couple of days.

But it has been successful. I'm not entirely sure it has been successful enough for me to want to spend another five weeks next year out in the cold etc etc but I've done it and I am quietly pleased with myself and how it went.

While many customers were pearl knowledgeable some were most surely not and I collected some of the things said to me:

green pearls are when the oyster is sick

the hole is put in with a needle when the pearl is still soft after the oyster is opened

I really like these pearls, but my grandmother said pearls are unlucky so I won't buy them
I don't like pearls (wearing a pair of white studs...)
I've got some real pearls
little old lady to friend 'aren't these the colour you have been looking for?' ' no..I've been looking for a match for years now' <wanders off without looking at any other stock...>
These aren't pearls. pearls are round
can you match this (shows rose quartz chip bracelet) 'errr no, I only have pearls' 'okay, but do you have a necklace like this?'

several examples of people having got 'wish'pearls with silly valuations - not even natural colours - one got a green pearl (sick oyster?) from Anglesea Zoo in Wales. In Hawaii or san fransisco (I can't remember which now), there is an operation where they pretend to dive for pearls off the dock and lo - there is a pearl in every oyster brought up

In spite of what I thought was a fairly clear name sign I often got called pearl sense or pearl scene

The picture shows my assistant Ruth charming some customers.
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Glad it went well Wendy...
Thanks for the update - Ha Ha !... I love the one about green pearls.....:D
Wendy, your booth looks lovely. I like the warm look of the wooden material and it looks festive with the lights.
Hi Wendy - I'm with GemGeek - freezing but charming.. I admire your willingness to do 5 weeks in one location... that's a marathon effort. Well done!
Booth looks gorgeous.
I could add a few to those comments, too...

One lady recently, on hearing that I did my stringing kept wanting to look at my "funny little fingers... she said repeatedly that "one has to have funny little fingers" to do that.. I felt like a goblin or a hobbit or something!
Wow - thanks for the report Wendy! That was one gigantic effort on your part to stay in the cold for 5 weeks! I am so glad that it was worth it for you - you deserved the reward after all the hard work. The booth looks lovely. The comments from the customers are hilarious! :)
The hobby shoppers were the most annoying. The ones who spend every sunday shopping as a specific leisure activity. They don't buy, they just shop...wandering around and making sure their mouths don't heal up (to quote Douglas Adams) by chattering on at you inanely.
Given the opportunity they will spend as long as they can at your stall, asking lots of questions, blocking out the real shoppers and then simply wander off to the next stall and do it all again.
The hobby shoppers were the most annoying. The ones who spend every sunday shopping as a specific leisure activity. They don't buy, they just shop...wandering around and making sure their mouths don't heal up (to quote Douglas Adams) by chattering on at you inanely.
Given the opportunity they will spend as long as they can at your stall, asking lots of questions, blocking out the real shoppers and then simply wander off to the next stall and do it all again.

Aaaarrgh, yes, tell me about it.......:mad:
I know it was absolutely freezing for you, but the golden glow of the lights and the tone of the wood make the shed look warm and inviting.
Do they have the "Thermacare" brand heat wraps over there? They are adhesive pads that have exothermic chemical discs that generate heat for about 8-10 hours - they sell them for joint pain and cramps. They recently had to turn off the heat in our lab for city maintenance and even though the building got quite chilly, I had those packs plastered all over and did okay with it.
I had some of those thermal hand warming discs but found that I was either warm enough or cold - and if cold the discs didn't really have much effect.
I estimated relative temperature by whether I needed gloves on (not good) or off (can get on with making)
I didn't mention what I wore every day.....okay...
from the toes up...thermal woolen socks and Ugg tall boots, long johns (sometimes two pairs) fleecy track suit bottoms with skirt over, long sleeved vest with cashmere sweater and another sweater over that, down body warmer and long anorak, warm hat with ear flaps, gloves.
I could move - just!
Thanks for the report, Wendy. I just can feel the cold - still they stupid remarks from some of the customers must at least have made you warm a bit as you had to laugh about them I think:)