Mama I'm home


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2009
A new pearl supplier visited yesterday, and in his excitement, whilst showing me his wares, he thought he dropped one. We looked under the couch, & found an elastic band, moved the coffee table, & to my dismay, only dust bunnies to be seen. So this morning, I got in early, to vacuum. Imagine my surprise, when this baby emerged.

I am mesmerised, by the pistachio, and the hint of emerald green. Do you think this one was meant to be mine?
I cant help myself, I have to do the right thing, so I called him to tell him the lost was found. He cant get back til tomorrow, so I have a day to look again in wonderment at this beauty, and see if I can figure out a way to make it mine.
My cynical self also wonders if this is a very shrewd sales ploy, because boy-oh-boy I really want it!


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Deeply breathe in through your nose, slowly exhale through your mouth. Do this ten times, all the time backing away from the pearl. When the pearl image pops in your head, think of something else, like chocolate. No, not chocolate, that goes back to pearls. Think of felting! Yeah, felting! If this does not work after several hundred tries, buy it! It is stunning.
It ABSOLUTELY was meant to be yours!!! Unless, of course, you want to send it to me....:rolleyes:

Phew, Knotty, I just finished my coffee, before I read your post. Look away from the light....
Its still calling me...
How lovely to have PG where people understand pearl lust.
Oh he left it behind on purpose knowing you would fall in love with it. Great salesmen huh? :D
You might consider the situation this way... instead of you finding the pearl, the pearl found you! Now doesn't that make the decision obvious? :)
Tee Hee
This one has been making itself at home. Quite a gregarious pearl... It has found some friends.


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Hi purlgurl - well, I would be sending it home, coz I am sure it will end up making it's way back to you one way or the other. It is beautiful!!
Oh purlgurl what a gorgeous pearl! I do hope you can keep it and that it won't become 'the one that got away'.

If it speaks to you then it's mean't for you ;)
Simply stunning! I think it's asking to stay with its new friends...
It is even smiling--look mama, my sisters and brothers love me. I love pearls that are magnets for beautiful stones--this one has it all!
Just over 11mm, nicely round, & small pits only observed under magnification. (Again & again & again...) Hes not here yet.... maybe he forgot....
Not only do I love the pearl, I want his instincts. Anybody who can spend a few minutes with someone and know whether they will call back and say, "You left this beauty here by mistake", has some serious people skills.

Gorgeous pearl. :) Does she have a name yet?

Ah well... it was glorious while it lasted... She's gone now. As it turns out, the supplier knows Josh! What a small world! I was showing him my small collection from Nerida, and he asked about the Tahitians. As soon as I said Ahe, he corrected my pronunciation, (haha) and asked if they were Josh's.
Pearl people are lovely.