Lotus, Ciro, Omar, Rosita pearls etc, what did they sell?

Dec 28, 2017

I have question about several brands I see from time to time on ebay.
It seems they were making simulated pearls, but sometimes I see some cultured pearls sold as coming from these brands.
I am trying to find historical documents, to understand it better, but maybe someone has informatiosn here.
My idea is this:
-maybe some of these companies (ciro, maybe lotus?!) were selling cultured pearls in the beginning, then made glass pearls
-maybe sellers are just thinking the cultured pearl necklace to be made by ciro or lotus, because boxed in a ciro or lotus box, but none of the companies made cultured pearls?!

It's not easy, as example I saw old tecla advertisments, speaking about simulated pearls, but it was the very early time of the cultured pearls, and they were making quite of scientific taste promotional ads.
"saphir and rubis tecla, created by professor tecla" they probably did same for pearls (1912 period)
In 1937, the words are very different, mentionning cultured pearls from orient, with a clear asian-japanese taste on communication.
I also found a add from different company, clearly striking the tecla brand "our pearls are not a fake scientific made by a fake professor but cultured pearls coming from asia", about 1917 or so, maybe explaining why tecla changed the way to talk about their products.
This is why I am thinking maybe ciro etc made cultured pearls in the first time, and when cultured became popular after WWII, they downgraded to simulated pearls, not sure about it.

If someone has better informations, I would be interested.
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created in 1917
cultured pearls
Telling they are the first to sell cultured pearls (wrong, tecla started in 1906)
But Ciro was producing and selling cultured pearls, with gold and diamond clasps.
Still on activity

Created in 1906
Cultured pearls
Still on activity

Richelieu pearls
created in 1911
Simulated pearls
it seems they also had deltah (1924?) La tausca (1928?) and bluebird simulated pearl brands
Became Richelieu INC in 1933

Omar pearls
Simulated pearls

Imperial pearls
Created in 1953
Cultured pearls
Still on activity
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Richelieu have always been simulated pearls. I have my grandmother's double strand of Richelieu pearls. She gave them to me when I was 11 years old, and she knew I loved pearls. I was thrilled, and then she said, "These are my Richelieu pearls. They're the best pearl that is not a pearl." My heart sank and I didn't wear them for 50 years. Then I got them out, washed them, polished up the sterling silver clasp and restrung them, and wore them. They are plastic and they have yellowed and don't look like real pearls to me, but I do wear them occasionally. They have a very 1920s' to 1940's vibe.