lavender pearls and skin tone


New Member
Jul 6, 2013
In looking for a white rope lately on the online websites recommended, I've become quite intrigued with the FW lavender pearls. I am however quite concerned that the colors will not look good on me. I have dark brown hair, light blue eyes with medium, neutral coloring. In clothing I wear mostly black, white, blues and greens, always solid colors. All pastels wash me out, and I cannot wear yellows, oranges or red based colors. However, my makeup colors need to be neutral to warm.

As much as I like the color of these pearls, I know I could never wear clothing in this color, which is the only barometer I have to go by. I'm considering a choker, to be worn with yellow gold jewelry. No local stores have anything to try in person. Presently I only have peacock Tahitian earrings, which look good with my coloring.

So for the experts out there I'm looking for advice. And if I do order online, which color of lavender would be best to request, and would freshadama or gem quality colors be better than AAA?

Many thanks.
I am about the same. Dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and skin color neutral to lightly tanned. I mostly wear black with some bold colors or neutrals mixed in. I do wear rich oranges. Red and pastels, as well as yellow look terrible on me. One of the best colors for me to wear is actually a lavender with a touch of pink. If the lavender has too much blue in it, I also cannot wear it because it clashes with my skin tone. I found that dark lavender/purple pearls work well, particularly if they are metallic (at least I think so).
If there are any bead shops in your area, drop in and have a look at their freshwater pearls. Take along a mirror and see how they look against your skin.

I like the look of the lavender pearls and admire them in the jeweler's case, but have not yet found a shade that is particularly flattering to my skin tone.
There are a lot of different shades to lavender, from a really light lavender to dark, and a lavender that sort of sits on the fence between a peachy-pink to a lavender. The grade isn't necessarily determined by the color.

What you might want to do is get several different shades in just short or even unfinished strands to determine which is the best fit for your tone and then have the rope made from that particular shade.
You could get a strand of natural colours in something like potato pearls which will give you all the colours so you can try them against your skin in different conditions.