Just received these from late aunt!!!


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
Unsure if these are real Mikimoto, my late aunt said they were, unsure where she got them , they did travel a lot in the USA, so possibly bought there, or in the UK where she lived.
I do not have a close up lens camera, so have put some on, i will endeavour to get some better ones asap.
Any advice would be gratefully accepted
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Good morning CoptLeigh!
Welcome again to our forum :)
Beautiful pearl necklace there...a very nice piece to remember your aunt.
The pearls certainly seem Japanese Akoya pearls...the double design is very nice...I'm not knowledegeable in clasps so I'm hoping some of our dear forum member will be able to join into this thread and share their thought with us all :)

What a lovely necklace you have shared with us here. Are you planning to keep it? What is the length?
I found a similar single strand with a lovely case like yours on pinterest HERE:
The bow design of the clasp is typical of Mikimoto, but it is odd that the logo doesn't appear. The stones in the clasp are marcasite. We do know Miki used silver clasps set with marcasite.
You might send good photos to Mikimoto in New York to see if they could authenticate your strand, but I'd call them first, especially now.
Great information Pattye :D
I did not know that Mikimoto clasps had marcasite in them (in some, not all)...so, wow...the more you Live, the more you Learn. Thank you for that! (Right now I am on Wikipedia, learning about "Marcasite").
And a great suggestion on reaching out to Mikimoto...they should have an eMail and you could also send them photos coptleigh, but let us wait and see if we have more input from our pearl community.
Thanks to you for the advice, and i await to see what more comes forward about these.
I will be getting some better pics asap, of the pearls themselves and the clasp, ordered a macro lens for my iphone
Further looking into what my aunt left me, was this brooch also , it looks like it has the Mikimoto logo on it next to hallmark!
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The double strand has beautiful pearls, but the clasp is not a Mikimoto clasp. My mother had a double strand of Mikis, and she replaced the clasps, with a non-Miki clasp, so it is possible the pearls are legit, but the clasp isn't.

The pearls and the brooch are both beautiful, and the box is cool looking.
Yes indeed...the brooch wears the Mikimoto brand stamp/logo in it. The pearls look like authentic Japanese Akoya pearls with green overtones.
So I'm assuming, if they do not have a Mikimoto logo on the clasp, then they cannot be identified as genuine, so this would affect their value???
I was looking to sell them , but unsure of the value, of both items
Any further advice would be welcome
In terms of resale value, yes, in all likelihood the strand's not being demonstrably Mikimoto brand will impact the price they can achieve. Some people value the Mikimoto name for itself.

Personally to avoid buyer complaints after the sale, I would not sell them in the Miki box. If you sell them with the Miki box then you should be very clear about the fact that the pearls themselves do not have the Miki mark, but remember: a lot of people look at photos and don't read descriptions thoroughly, and you may end up with a buyer wanting their money back.

As far as price to list them for, you could do a search of similar, sold items on eBay. That will give you an idea of what people are willing to pay. Not that you have to list them on eBay...that's just to get an idea of likely resale value. People list their pre-owned jewelry online on Loupe Troop, on Diamond Bistro, on Ruby Lane, on Etsy, etc. They also consign them with local jewelers who have an "estate" counter.
You can try Diamond Bistro, or Ruby Lane, or Ebay if you want to post it online. Or try a local pawn shop. Or if you have a good used clothing store that handles designer goods.